I am so pleased to be joining the blog tour to present Wendy Knight's book Warrior Beautiful!!
Wendy is a fun, talented writer and I love knowing her! I asked her to do a guest post for me to day but before she does, I'd love for you all to get to know a bit about her.
Wendy Knight was born and raised in Utah by a wonderful
family who spoiled her rotten because she was the baby. Now she spends her time
driving her husband crazy with her many eccentricities (no water after five,
terror when faced with a live phone call, etcetera, etcetera). She also enjoys
chasing her three adorable kids, playing tennis, watching football, reading,
and hiking. Camping is also big: her family is slowly working toward a goal of
seeing all the National Parks in the U.S.
You can usually find her with at least one Pepsi
nearby, wearing ridiculously high heel for whatever the occasion may be. And if
everything works out just right, she will also be writing.
Now that you can see how adorable my friend it, let's get to her guest post!
If you could become a character in a book from
a book that you love, which character would you switch lives with for a day and
totally not doing this as shameful self-promotion—but if I could be any
character, it would be my own Ari, from the Fate on Fire series. Seriously, I
gave this question tons and tons of thought and I googled all kinds of powers
and couldn’t find one just right. But isn’t that why most writers write?
Because they want to live vicariously through their characters—to bring their
daydreams to life…sorta…? It is for me. In my head, they’re just dreams. But on
paper, I’m living them! But, ya know, without the danger of actually fighting
in battles and stuff.
Ari. And here’s why—when I wrote Ari, she was the exact opposite of me. I’m
small, and incredibly shy, and I have lupus so I’m sick a lot. Ari, on the
other hand, says what she thinks, is the most powerful sorcerer ever, and is
tall and gorgeous. Plus, she can blow stuff up and throw fire and nothing and
no one can kill her—except her boyfriend. So yeah! I would totally want to be
I wrote her, I would put her in situations and then go, “hmmm. What would I do
here?” and then I would have her do the total opposite. It was SO MUCH FUN to
write her, and I miss her!
also, the fact that she can walk into anything and come out victorious is super
cool. She walks onto a battle field and everyone runs. When she throws a spell,
her flames are so bright, she’s recognizable for miles around. She’s also smart
and sarcastic and yet broken and learning to heal.
other reason I would want to be Ari. Boots. She loves boots. And so do I! It’s
one of the few things we actually have in common!
Thanks Wendy! I get excited every time one of your books gets released!
So here's a bit about her new book and, of course, her giveaway!

Synopsis: Working with the ex you secretly love
to save the souls of the innocent is almost as bad as working with a mighty
battle unicorn who would be thrilled to watch you plummet to your death.
Scout is used to pain. Her body has been broken, her heart has been broken, and
the only thing keeping her together is her relationship with her younger
sister. Lil Bit be-lieves in unicorns and terrifying monsters she calls soul
stealers. But unicorns and monsters aren’t real…are they?
When Lil Bit falls prey to the mysterious disease sweeping the country, Scout
has two options – believe the doctors who say it’s a pandemic or believe Lil
Bit, who says it’s the soul stealers. She chooses her sister and goes looking
for the unicorns who are supposed to save them. What she finds aren’t the cute
pastel mythical creatures she expects. Battle unicorns are big and tough and
full of attitude. Who knew?
Unicorns are real and so are the monsters. Soul stealers are reaping the souls
of the innocent, and the unicorns are fighting to stop them. But to save the
world, they need the help of humans – the enemy they’re dying to protect. And
first to sign up for the fight is the ex-boyfriend Scout’s heart won’t stop
loving, no matter how determined she is to hate him.
To get to know more about Wendy, check her out at any of these places:
**Must be 13 or older**
**Opened to U.S. Only**
**Winner has 48 hours to respond before a
new winner will be chosen**
**Winner will win: an ecopy of Warrior International,
a Warrior Beautiful keychain & a signed bookmark**
NOV 18
NOV 19
NOV 20
NOV 21
NOV 22
Rose & Beps (Book Spotlight +Book
Soundtrack + Dream Cast)
NOV 25
Angela Corbett (Book Spotlight + Sneak Peek + Book Soundtrack + Dream Cast)
NOV 26