Chief Medical Officer Darragh Conally has issues. And secrets. As Onnie determinedly worms her way into his life and forges a friendship he doesn’t want, those secrets come dangerously close to being exposed. But how do you tell the Captain’s daughter to back off without risking your job?
There’s something wrong with the relationship between the Galladirans and the Earthers. It’s all polite on the surface; too polite. And Onnie can feel the tension rippling underneath. How long will it be until things break wide open?
C R Simper was raised seven miles north of a small town, with two sisters, thirteen dogs, and an open sky painted every night with billions of stars. This unharried childhood allowed time for much reading, which led into a desire to create stories of worlds beyond her own.
She is a member of the American Night Writer's Association. She has two published short stories in the Steampunk genre. Besides writing, she has a passion for genealogy, volleyball, and bargain hunting.
This book grabbed me from the get go. I cared about the characters, wanted to know what they were doing, and never found a dull moment in this book. Every moment was an adventure, a intrigue, and more questions to answer every time we discovered something new. This book was also emotional and full of happies and sads. I could not put it down. I was letting a computer program read it to me, and even so found myself stopping while cleaning my house, so I could stare at the screen trying to determine what was going to happen because it was so beautifully gripping.
Author Chanda Simper is an excellent author and her use of words, descriptions, and emotions tied together for a beautifully written book. I am excited to read more of her work and also will be reading this book again! Not only because it was amazing, but also because once everything came together I now have to go back and reread it with that amazing new knowledge. I highly recommend this book to anyone. It is absolutely worth the read!
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