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Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Gateway to Hope Book tour

I'm pleased to have Author E.C. Jackson on my blog again today! Be sure to stay tuned for the second book A LIVING HOPE coming next month with a book tour and review!

Twenty-one-year-old Neka is a bit of an introvert, she also happens to be stunningly beautiful.
When she discovers her friend James is about to be dumped, she sees the perfect opportunity to escape from her quiet life. Can she summon the courage to leave it all behind?
James Copley comes from a ruthless family. It’s rubbed off. Years ago, he disengaged from his brother’s smear campaign, but now his father has offered him an ultimatum, “Get married or lose your seat at the table.” Plotting to stamp his design on the family business, he proposes to a woman, even though he doesn’t love her. But his carefully laid plans start to unravel when she leaves him on the day she’s due to meet his family. Could years of planning his comeback vanish with her departure?

A possible solution comes in an unexpected form: Neka. She’s not only a friend, but the daughter of his benefactor. And she’s right there, offering to support him. But will her support stretch to marriage? He attempts to win her over to his plan but collides with her powerful father who wants to leverage the situation for his own gain.

In their fight for survival and love, they are forced to face some uncomfortable truths.
Can they overcome thwarted dreams and missed chances to find true love, or does forcing destiny’s hand only lead to misery?

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I had the privilege of reading and reviewing this book when I first came across it a year ago. Below is my review - And I'm very excited to share it with you and to read/review book 2 in the series (Coming next month!

This is a sweet love story full of the troubles and tribulations of going from friends to something more. The characters are religious and don't hesitate to incorporate it into their relationship as they struggled together, work together, love together, and grow together. It shows the up and downs that can occur as a couple. The couple assumes a lot about each other and it takes quite a bit of time for them to let go of their own judgement and assumptions in order to really see the other person for who they are and decide what they want.
This is a great book for anyone who wants to see more than the fluff love story in most romances - but rather the struggle and hardships that bring forth the most love. Plus, it's great for anyone who enjoys a clean read that incorporates faith, a love of God, and religion into the main characters relationship.

E. C. Jackson began her writing career with the full-length play Pajama Party. For three and a half years, she published the Confidence in Life newsletter for Alpha Production Ministries, in addition to writing tracts and devotionals. Teaching a women’s Bible study at her church for eleven years led naturally to her current endeavor, writing inspirational romance novels. Her mission: spiritual maturity in the body of Christ through fiction.
Connect with the Author here: 

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For more content, fun and prizes check out these two events below for this Series!
To join the tour for the second book in the series click here
To join the Blitz for the book series click here

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

31 Ghost Novels to Read before you Die Book tour and review!

"As readers of Deb Atwood’s blog Pen In Her Hand know, Atwood is passionate about ghost fiction. Since 2011, Atwood has read, re-read, and written about ghost literature. 31 Ghost Novels to Read Before You Die presents a selection of the best of these posts. 

Among the books discussed are old favorites (The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson) as well as some indie gems few people will know about (The 20’s Girl, the Ghost, and All That Jazz by June Kearns). There are ghost novels for every reader, in genres ranging from historical to literary to romance. "

Deb Atwood holds an MFA and lives in California with her husband and rescue dog Nala. Her time-slip novel Moonlight Dancer was selected as a front page Featured Review by Book Ideas. Deb's work has appeared in numerous anthologies. Her interests include ghost fiction, Korean culture, quilting, and, of course, reading.

Connect with the Author here: 
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I actually don't like ghost stories - my overactive imagination goes crazy and I stay up all night staring at the closet waiting for a ghost to appear - but I enjoyed Author Deb Atwood's book quite a lot! I felt like I got a chance to hear about ghost stories without actually reading them and her style was so well done that I actually found myself interested in picking up one or two of these stories to find out what happened. It's a great collection of information and reviews about some of the best Ghost stories out there. I enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who is interested (in whatever small degree) in ghost stories and wants to get to know the best of the best!

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Day 12 - Featuring Donna Hatch

Donna Hatch, author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” has won writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award. A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she is a sought-after workshop presenter, and juggles multiple volunteer positions and her six children. A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

Connect with the Author here: 

"Determined to help her father with his political career, Jocelyn sets aside dreams of love. When she meets the handsome and mysterious Grant Amesbury, her dreams reawaken. But his secrets put her family in peril.                                                 Grant goes undercover to capture conspirators avowed to murder the prime minister, but his only suspect is the father of a courageous lady who is growing increasingly hard to ignore. He can’t allow Jocelyn to distract him from the case, nor will he taint her with his war-darkened soul. She seems to see past the barriers surrounding his heart, which makes her all the more dangerous to his vow of remaining forever alone. Jocelyn will do anything to clear her father’s name, even if that means working with Grant. Time is running out. The future of England hangs in the balance...and so does their love."

~ Amazon ~ Amazon UK


So, now I want to share with you my reviews for these fabulous books!

Loved this book! I originally won it at a writing conference and got Donna Hatch to sign it for me.
I read it through so quickly because I simply couldn't put it down! I loved it!
Then, I read it through again because it was THAT GOOD!!
Then I let my sister borrow it and she loved it so much she almost didn't give it back - so I bought her her own copy for her Birthday so I could have mine back - and then I read it again!
It is sweet, it is so full of life and passion (in the clean way) and adventure! Donna's writing style is incredible and the story flows so well. You feel with the characters and you fall in love with them. You feel their confusion and are torn by the conflict! It is amazing! I highly recommend it to anyone, whether the regency style is your cup of tea or not, it's worth the read! You will love it!

I laughed, I cried, I loved this book!
This is actually the second time I've read it and I have adored it both times I even bought it for my sister because I loved it so much. It was so well written and you become so invested in the characters. You can't help but love them and you won't be able to stop reading!!
I highly recommend this to anybody who appreciates a good adventure and a sweet romance!

As always Donna Hatch has brought us a tell of sweet romance, crazy and during adventure, and love. I was very pleased with Christian story. It suited him and it was nice to get to know the story of the perfectly perfect Christian. It made me ache for the characters and it was so sweet to see the brothers' interactions with each other. I eagerly await to read Grant's story next!

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I adore this book! Seriously! I have read all 3 of the previous books and I wasn't sure what to think of Grant. He is so mysterious and dark. This book let us actual see inside his mind and soul and I loved it! I highly recommend reading the three as well, and the glimpses at Grant's character give you so much to anticipate for this book - which absolutely did NOT disappoint! I will have to read it again and again now. And Jocelyn is something else - absolutely a match for Grant in wit and levelheadedness! I adored her, I couldn't help it. And I knew from the start that if anyone could tame the dark soul of Grant, it was this woman. And oh how she does - I admire her and envy her and cheer for her and weep for her and I loved it! Love it!  Definitely fit the bill for the Rogue Hearts Series. They are all a MUST READ and this is no exception!

Overall - MUST, MUST, MUST READ this series!! Absolutely worth all your time.
I give it 5 stars for every book!

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wonderful Book - 5 Star Review for My Pineapples went to Houston by Author Lee Gaitan

I cannot say enough wonderful things about this book!  Come check out my review below and grab a copy for yourself!!

Lee Gaitan is a wife, mother, teacher, author and speaker, but above all she is passionately committed to overcoming life’s obstacles, surviving sometimes by the skin of her teeth, but always with humor and optimism. She shares her experience with anyone who will listen with the intent to encourage others to use humor to their benefit.

In the past twelve years Lee has had to deal with more than a healthy helping
of “are you kidding me?” moments. In 2002, she hit rock bottom. It was so bad shelovingly refers to it as a year of “shock and awfulness.” That year her father died,her mother was in the hospital, semi-comatose from grief, and her husband of 22 years lost every penny of their money BEFORE running off to Arizona with his girlfriend, who just happened to be a former stripper. 

That was just the beginning. She spent the next decade struggling with loss and challenges on every front, from finances and family to health and career.

While there have been many bounces up and down over the years, Lee has finally
bounced back and it was well worth the effort. She has happily remarried, working at a job she loves and has published her second book. She even has children on three continents and a granddaughter far too far away!
Connect with the Author here: 

Heartbreak, Humor and, ultimately, Hope
That’s the message that comes through loud and clear in My Pineapples Went to Houston,  Lee Gaitan’s personal and powerful tale of surviving a decade of relentless chaos and loss. The “shock and awfulness” began in 2002 when her father died, her mother teetered on the brink of a coma and her husband of 22 years secretly lost all their money and ran off with a stripper. And it was all downhill from there!   
 Then one day in the midst of all the chaos—somewhere between loud cursing and crying—she recalled an amusing anecdote she’d heard about pineapples that spoke to her circumstances in such an unexpectedly humorous way that she couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
“That moment of laughter was a small epiphany for me. I realized that I had allowed my sense of humor, which had always mitigated the bad breaks in my life and enhanced the good ones, to fall victim to the machete my ex-husband had taken to my life. I determined right then and there that I could no longer permit that. I instinctively knew that humor was the most potent, and just about the only, protection I had at my disposal to survive the crises unfolding around me, and I vowed to keep it alive.”

Told with honesty and insight—and, of course, humor—My Pineapples Went to Houston both inspires and entertains readers and offers hope and encouragement to those struggling with their own “plans gone outrageously awry.”

I cannot say enough good things about this book! I enjoyed every moment of it. It showed the good, the bad, the ugly, and - most importantly - how to survive it all with humor and a good additude. I adored Author Lee Gaitan's stories, her presentation, her life lessons, and her overall approach to hard things. The humor she found in each situation and yet the reality of not glossing over the ugly things. But rising above it all despite everything is an amazing story and a few life lessons.
I also loved that she didn't just talk about getting over, past, or through these difficult things with the help of humor and sweet caring people, but she does talk about the reality of depression and the hard times and the tears. I was completely blown away by this book. I would and have recommended this book to so many people already. I loved it - LOVED IT - and will absolutely be reading it again and continuing to recommend it to others around me. Well written, and well done Lee Gaitan!

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Three Stones of Bethany Tour and Review

The kingdom of Bethany was once a beautiful place made up of five magical nations, each with their own special gifts. It all changed in a day, however, when the murderous dredgelings arrived. No one quite knows where they came from or how they keep multiplying, no matter how many are killed in the long, cruel war they’ve waged. 
All seems to be lost, until a human girl named Taylor is mistakenly transported to Bethany. Kane, the king over these nations, despises her whole-heartedly at first, and then she makes him laugh for the first time since the devastation began years ago. And the earthling manages to find new ways to surprise him with her valor and loyalty every single day. Unfortunately, Taylor’s only wish through their dangerous quest to reunite three magical stones and save the kingdom, aside from surviving this fearful place, is to return home.
But as fate goes, she soon discovers the only way to recapture the stones and save the lives of the royals she’s come to love as her first real family is to give up any hope of ever returning to her old life. In the end it all comes down to what sort of hero she truly is, one to her own self, or one to entire nations.

Find all of April Marcom's book here
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I read this book without any expectations. I hadn't even read the back description when I picked it up so that I would see how it was standing on it's own feet (per se) .... And I was so pleased! It grabbed my attention right away and did not let it go through the entire story. The characters were engaging and had their own personalities. The writer kept the story moving without relying on any factor too much. There was just the right amount of action, dialog, emotions, etc. I was absolutely captivated and I loved the story. I felt like I was right there seeing it all, feeling, smelling, heart pumping, fearing, and celebrating as needed. I would easily read this again and any other book by this author. I was very impressed with her work and I would not mind at all if this story had continued. It was one of those stories that made me sad when it was over because the world was so well done and felt like the perfect place to be. Highly recommend this book!

April Marcom is a Pre-K teacher's assistant and mother of three. Her greatest passion, second only to her family and faith, is writing romance. Like the characters in her stories, there's nothing more important to her than the people she loves. 
April has enjoyed writing fiction since grade school, but only began pursuing publication in recent years. She is the author of such books as Good vs. Evil High and Wisteria and the Pirate Assassin. Besides writing, she loves baking, hiking, watching old movies, and dreaming of faraway places.

Connect with the Author here: 

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