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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Book tour and review - Goodnight Kisses

Come Join us as we celebrate Author Wilhelmina Stolen's newest book!

And ... great news ... it's currently FREE!

Go grab your copy and enjoy this prequel to this authors amazing collection of novels!

Fearing she carries her mother’s curse of marriage, nineteen-year-old Eleanor Mackenna swore never to vow herself into matrimonial bondage. Nuptials aren’t needed where true love is concerned. A concept she is sure a man like McCrea Coldiron would agree with. The town gossip has him pegged as a heart breaker, but Eleanor knows a different side to McCrea. And years of loving him without seeing his affection returned has made her desperate enough to ask him for advice on seducing a man. 

​ ​ 

McCrea isn’t proud of his reputation as a brawler and a womanizer. As a teenager the rumors were funny, now they may cost him the land he has worked so hard for. Chatty little Eleanor Mackenna has been chasing his spurs for years and ignoring her was easy to do until she grew up. A beautiful face and curves in all the right places made her hard to resist, and when his granddad lays down an ultimatum to make her his wife, McCrea offers her a first class lesson in seduction.

This book has a great story line and was intriguing. I am glad I knew it did not end with a HEA beforehand or I may have been a bit startled by the abrupt ending. However, because it is prequel I still wasn't angry - The books after this give the characters a chance to finish their story and this book definitely left you with the desire to read on, find out what happens, and see how the characters might change in the future stories. The male lead was a good mix of a complete jerk and also very charming. I'm not sure how the author pulled it off, but she did a great job and it makes you really want to know what becomes of him. The girl is charming, sweet, and so naive that you almost ache for her, and again you are determined to find out what happens. It did get quite sensual and very little was left to the imagination, which was a bit more than I had originally thought it would be even knowing it was going to get hot. But the overall idea of the story, the plot line, and the character left me enjoying the story and wanting to find out what happens to these characters. Author Wilhelmina Stolen does a great job at creating the right feel, emotions, and pull to write a captivating story.

Wilhelmina Stolen is a native of Kentucky and makes her home in a small southern town close to the Tennessee line. During her adolescence, her mother's free spirited nature became restless causing the family to embark on a slew of adventurous moves across the country. The moves provoked a hunger for adventure and romance and introduced her to a wonderful world of history and beauty. 

As with most writers, her stories began at an early age with long sessions of seclusion and secrecy. While her classmates and friends were outside playing, Shannon was locked away in her room hammering out ideas on an old 1940's Royal typewriter. 

After finding Mr. Right, Shannon found herself wanting the comfort and security of the small Kentucky town she longed to escape as a child. Fortune smiled upon her and she became the family historian; gathering pictures, wills, marriage certificates and everything else that somehow managed to fall into her lap. Stories flooded her mind and writing quickly became an obsession that turned into the Way of Hearts Saga. 

Connect with the Author here: 

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blue Ridge Mountain Escape Book BLitz

rebecca-webRebecca Bridges grew up in Oklahoma in the third largest city of that state. Of course, in Oklahoma at that time the population was under one hundred thousand so she’s not a big city girl. She had the opportunity to live in Germany two different times, once in the 1970s and again in the early 2000s, for a total of eight years. Living in Germany she took advantage of the close proximity of all the other countries to travel and shop. Yes, she enjoys shopping and bargaining for the best price of whatever local goods are available.
Rebecca worked for more than thirty years for the Department of the Army as a computer specialist. In addition she served as a Warrant Officer in the U.S. Army Reserves. During her life she’s lived in nine different states from California to South Carolina and Texas to Missouri. You’ll notice she’s avoided going too far north since she’s not fond of cold weather!
Rebecca and her husband decided to make South Carolina their retirement home in 2011. Although she dabbled in writing prior to retirement she became committed to honing her craft and set a goal to have her books published. Now she’s completed one book she has another novel and a novella underway.
Growing up in Oklahoma she could see for miles across the plains where buffalo grass, paint brush flowers and mesquite trees grew. Her view today includes ocean waves, dolphins, pelicans and palmetto trees in South Carolina.

Connect with the Author here: 

Madison Hendricks shatters U.S. Army Ranger Trevor Montgomery’s self-imposed isolation when she knocks on the door of his mountain cabin. Their initial challenge to stay alive switches to tracking down dangerous criminals and bringing them to justice. Growing attraction pulls at both of them even though neither wants or needs the distraction.

“So what army outfit are you with?”
“Huh?” He mumbled without taking his eyes off his target.
“What unit?”
“How did you figure it out?” She could hear the grin in his voice.
“It wasn’t difficult. My dad is retired. You remind me of him. At least the way you give orders.” She couldn’t keep the snarky comment from coming out of her mouth.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Donna Hatch's New cover for Courting a Countess!!!

YAY!! Another book by author Donna Hatch! I cannot tell you how happy this makes me!

We just had a fantastic release with Author Donna Hatch ... and now we get another one! I am beyond ecstatic! I love her books and I'm excited to share each and every one.

As a little recap - let's take a look at the previous books we've featured for Donna before we see her newest addition!

And she has even more books we have not featured! Be sure to check them out!

And now ... On to the cover reveal starting with our author!

Donna Hatch is the author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award. A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her husband). A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

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And finally ... let's check out her fantastic new book!

When charming rake Tristan Barrett sweeps Lady Elizabeth off her feet, stealing both her heart and a kiss in a secluded garden, her brother challenges Tristan to a duel. The only way to save her brother and Tristan from harm—not to mention preserve her reputation—is to get married. But her father, the Duke of Pemberton, refuses to allow his daughter to marry anyone but a titled lord. The duke demands that Elizabeth marry Tristan’s older brother, Richard, the Earl of Averston. Now Elizabeth must give up Tristan to marry a man who despises her, a man who loves another, a man she’ll never love. Richard fears Elizabeth is as untrustworthy as his mother, who ran off with another man. However, to protect his brother from a duel and their family name from further scandal, he agrees to the wedding, certain his new bride will betray him. Yet when Elizabeth turns his house upside down and worms her way into his reluctant heart, Richard suspects he can’t live without his new countess. Will she stay with him or is it too little, too late?


And now ... are you ready to see the wonderful new cover??








We love it! So sweet!
But don't just go on our word, Tell us what you think in the comments below!

Then share the fun news and enter the giveaway!

And pre-order your copy of this book here:



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Monday, September 19, 2016

Blitz today for Life Coach T.G. Harris

Welcome to T.G. Harris, MFT - Tanishia is a renowned Life Coach, counselor, author, speaker, and radio personality, host, brand ambassador, and now new author!

We are excited to introduce her book to you all today!

Tanishia is a renowned Life Coach, counselor, author, speaker, and radio personality, host, and brand ambassador. She is a conscious transformational expert who thrives on enlightening her clients to step boldly outside their comfort zone and into their greatness. She assists her clients in reaching their highest potential and attaining their lifelong dreams and goals through a powerful series of steps she developed called the Open-up Coaching Method. She embarked on a similar journey as the one you are undertaking, assisted by many of today’s well-known self-help gurus. That is what led to her desire to become a Counseling Psychologist and an Open-up Life Coach.

After the birth of her first daughter (who is now a teenager), she immersed herself in yoga and meditation and has dedicated her time and energy to becoming profoundly aware of her own inner growth and awareness while assisting her clients to do the same. She is a powerful & intuitive high performance coach for those who are ready to hold themselves to a more fulfilled purpose in their life & business.

Tanishia studied earth sciences as an undergraduate at UCLA, and while there, she decided to intern with the Semel Neuropsychiatric Institute. Serving as a resource counselor for HIV+ at-risk youth and women, Tanishia knew she found her calling in the field of Psychology. She went on to obtain her Masters of Science degree in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy. She didn’t want to wait until after she graduated to start working with clients, and she also realized that she enjoys coaching clients outside of the normal therapy that she provides in the clinical setting. She launched the Open-up Coaching programs and began speaking and lecturing about her own personal experiences of opening up and healing. She had A LOT of healing within herself that needed to be done.  Her deep desire for self-realization, healing, peace, and balance within herself drew her to the field of coaching and psychology.

Tanishia is very intentional in her practice when working with her clients and she believes that a lot of the challenges her clients are faced with stem from old childhood beliefs systems and paradigms that are operating in the subconscious mind. She believes that we are no longer victims of the past. Today we can move beyond mere survival, and embrace our ability to thrive!

Tanishia also provides mental health services for clients wanting more of a therapeutic counseling session. She provides counseling services to those in need and works under the supervision of a licensed psychologist while she is attaining her hours for licensure. 

Tanishia is a true environmentalist and she believes that being green is a consciousness, not a trend. She has a deep connection to the earth and all things natural. She sits on the Board of Friends of Geography at UCLA and is also a volunteer with the American Red Cross. 

Connect with the Author here: 

This book is written for anyone who has a genuine desire to move forward in their lives but, despite numerous attempts, nothing seems to be working and you keep ending up with the same outcomes year after year. You will learn how to recognize habitual patterns of thought that are sabotaging your life on an unconscious level. Everyone has good intentions for their lives and ultimately wants the best outcomes, but oftentimes we get in our own way by allowing self-destructive thought patterns to impede our good intentions—without actually knowing we are doing so. I know this all too well because this was my life for several years.

This book was written because of my own personal experiences in life, and the experiences of my clients that I serve in my practice. This book gets right down to your core by unveiling the good, the bad, and the ugly about the way you think about yourself and everything that is happening in your life. In essence, this book is entirely about YOU! Most of us try to change ourselves at the level of our thoughts, but true transformation happens at the level at which you vibrate. You will learn how to completely shift your vibrational way of thinking and allow better circumstances to come into your life, whatever they may be. Whether you want to get unstuck in a relationship pattern or a financial pattern that keeps coming up, this book serves as a guide that will explore the moments when you get into trouble, and offers tools for learning to stay with your uneasiness, and offers concrete steps to get unstuck so you can finally move forward in life. 

You will learn the O.P.E.N.U.P. steps: Observation, Permission, Experience, Not Identifying, Understanding, and Practice. These steps will serve as your doorway into revealing the very thing that is keeping you stuck. Once you discover those “hidden” truths about yourself, your entire state of being will be altered, and you will no longer resist all the good that life has in store for you.


I had literally hit my boiling point in my life and knew that something needed to
change because the pain of staying the same was literally eating away at my body, mind,

and spirit.

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hazards of the Old Ones - Review

Life ends, new life is born. Everything balances. 

When Carahil, an Elemental Spirit, witnesses the destruction of an entire world, he’s faced with the ultimate question: how far is he willing to go to save it? 
Carahil will gather friends-like Lord and Countess Blanchefort, renowned Fleet Captain and ex-Black Hat, to help. He’ll destroy lives, like that of Captain Davage’s best friend and first officer, Lt. Kilos, who is made to quit her job aboard the Seeker and go into the dreaded Hazards of the Old Ones: a place where only she can stand. Carahil will also search out disreputable sources like the scalawag Duke of Oyln, who has something malicious and wailing locked away in his dungeon. 
To make matters worse, hidden forces threaten to destroy everyone Carahil needs to help him. Ominous messages from nowhere, surprise visits, phantom people and taunting voices complicate matters. 
However, the most dangerous threat to this mission could be Carahil himself, who faces demonic transformation for getting involved and may upset the cosmic Scales of the Universe in a bad way. Carahil, though struggling to achieve a greater good, might be the cause of a horrific tragedy instead. 

Hell awaits should he fail.

Ren Garcia is a Science Fiction/Fantasy author and Texas native who grew up in western Ohio. He has been writing since before he could write, often scribbling alien lingo on any available wall or floor with assorted crayons. He attended The Ohio State University and majored in English Literature. Ren has been an avid lover of anything surreal since childhood, he also has a passion for caving, urban archeology and architecture. His highly imaginative "League of Elder" book series is published by Loconeal Publishing

Connect with the Author here: 

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Author Ren Garcia's characters are definitely growing on me. What I love most about his books is that the characters are vivid, and so real. They have their own personalities, their own quirks. The descriptions are so clear but not overdone and I feel like I'm seeing each person, each situation, and each moment. And because of that the books get into you and you want to keep reading to find out what will happen. I felt each emotion and was completely captivated. These books are definitely growing on me with each one I read, and I liked the first one I read so this is saying a lot. I don't usually read sci-Fi books, but I really enjoyed the book.

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