Come Join us as we celebrate Author Wilhelmina Stolen's newest book!
And ... great news ... it's currently FREE!
Go grab your copy and enjoy this prequel to this authors amazing collection of novels!
And ... great news ... it's currently FREE!
Go grab your copy and enjoy this prequel to this authors amazing collection of novels!
Fearing she carries her mother’s curse of marriage, nineteen-year-old Eleanor Mackenna swore never to vow herself into matrimonial bondage. Nuptials aren’t needed where true love is concerned. A concept she is sure a man like McCrea Coldiron would agree with. The town gossip has him pegged as a heart breaker, but Eleanor knows a different side to McCrea. And years of loving him without seeing his affection returned has made her desperate enough to ask him for advice on seducing a man.
McCrea isn’t proud of his reputation as a brawler and a womanizer. As a teenager the rumors were funny, now they may cost him the land he has worked so hard for. Chatty little Eleanor Mackenna has been chasing his spurs for years and ignoring her was easy to do until she grew up. A beautiful face and curves in all the right places made her hard to resist, and when his granddad lays down an ultimatum to make her his wife, McCrea offers her a first class lesson in seduction.

This book has a great story line and was intriguing. I am glad I knew it did not end with a HEA beforehand or I may have been a bit startled by the abrupt ending. However, because it is prequel I still wasn't angry - The books after this give the characters a chance to finish their story and this book definitely left you with the desire to read on, find out what happens, and see how the characters might change in the future stories. The male lead was a good mix of a complete jerk and also very charming. I'm not sure how the author pulled it off, but she did a great job and it makes you really want to know what becomes of him. The girl is charming, sweet, and so naive that you almost ache for her, and again you are determined to find out what happens. It did get quite sensual and very little was left to the imagination, which was a bit more than I had originally thought it would be even knowing it was going to get hot. But the overall idea of the story, the plot line, and the character left me enjoying the story and wanting to find out what happens to these characters. Author Wilhelmina Stolen does a great job at creating the right feel, emotions, and pull to write a captivating story.
Wilhelmina Stolen is a native of Kentucky and makes her home in a small southern town close to the Tennessee line. During her adolescence, her mother's free spirited nature became restless causing the family to embark on a slew of adventurous moves across the country. The moves provoked a hunger for adventure and romance and introduced her to a wonderful world of history and beauty.
As with most writers, her stories began at an early age with long sessions of seclusion and secrecy. While her classmates and friends were outside playing, Shannon was locked away in her room hammering out ideas on an old 1940's Royal typewriter.
After finding Mr. Right, Shannon found herself wanting the comfort and security of the small Kentucky town she longed to escape as a child. Fortune smiled upon her and she became the family historian; gathering pictures, wills, marriage certificates and everything else that somehow managed to fall into her lap. Stories flooded her mind and writing quickly became an obsession that turned into the Way of Hearts Saga.
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