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Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Essence of Courage - book of devotionals

 As women we encounter multiple challenges, while simultaneously wearing
many hats. We need courage to face our challenges and commitments. In Song
of Solomon 4, Solomon ascribes the essences of his locked garden to the
courageous woman he has taken as his wife. This inspirational study will
provide an opportunity for you to discover:

• The secrets of the fruit, spices, and essential oils in Solomon’s locked garden.

• A deeper meaning of these fruits, spices and essential oil essences in Scripture by studying different women in the Bible.

• How others learn through their struggles and triumphs when you meet Cinnamah-Brosia and the women with whom she does life.

• Encouragement to allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate the essence of courage in your heart.

• Fun facts about the spices and essential oils, along with ways for you to
enjoy incorporating reminders of the fruit they represent into your life.

~ AmazonAmazon UK

I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to read this book, and it made sense. Anyone who has any knowledge of the bible can understand what author Lynn Watson is attempting to portray through her devotionals. I found myself thinking "that actually makes sense" a few times and "I never thought of that" as well. It was fun to see a different perspective and I loved the way the author tied the devotionals in to real life situations that all of us have seen and experienced so they were easy to apply to our own lives. Plus, I absolutely loved the fun facts she put after each section about the essential oils and history and such. I also found that it was a good, relaxing, and calming read. I highly recommend reading it and thinking about it in your own lives. You can read it all at once as I did - it's a quick read - or even just one devotional at a time and take it in. It's definitely worth it.
Thank you Author Lynn Watson for the opportunity to read this fabulous book of devotionals.

Pulled reluctantly into women’s ministry nearly four decades ago, Lynn Watson now treasures the opportunities that were provided to lead, encourage and mentor women through relationships and Bible studies. She wrote a few of the studies, too. Drawing from those experiences, along with years serving others professionally in the complementary healthcare field and her love for essential oils, Lynn delights in bringing her readers freshly inspired insights drawn from and focused on the many fruits, plants, oils, and spices mentioned in God’s Word. Married since 1973, Lynn and Steve call Bartlett, Tennessee home. Their
home is filled with handmade treasures and lots of love for family, especially their five beautiful (of course) grandchildren.

Connect with the Author here: 

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