After the Flowers Die: A Handbook of Heartache, Hope and Healing After Losing a child by Author Melanie Delorme
"Is it possible to survive the loss of a child?

The loss of a child creates a gaping hole in a parent’s heart that seems unbearable and the only people who truly understand your pain are other bereaved parents. Melanie is one of those parents and, in After the Flowers Die, she offers encouragement, hope and honest suggestions for how you can once again experience joy.
This book is written in an easy to read A to Z format and covers topics that many parents may experience, such as anger, bitterness, birthdays, Christmas, hope, signs, and more. If you have lost a child and are feeling hurt and lost, this book is a great starting point for you to acknowledge your loss, celebrate your child’s life and find hope.
Are you ready to begin your journey towards healing?"

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I admit that I was hesitant to read this book. The idea of learning to deal with the grief of something so sensitive and life changing as Losing a Child was a bit daunting for me, and I was worried about the emotions that might evoke in me. But I quickly found that Author Melanie Delorme has a talent of writing about something hard in a way that was positive and uplifting. The way she discussed the ABCs of learning, coping, moving forward but not forgetting, and more was incredible. I read that book in one sitting and I was completely fascinated. It actually left me feeling very positive. I am amazed at her ability with words and of discussing hard topics in a way that leaves a reading feeling as though no matter how hard the trial, there is hope and a chance to grow, learn, and heal in a way.
I honestly loved this book. It doesn't apply only to losing a child - even though that's what it was written about - but to so trials in life that seem daunting and overwhelming. I will read this book again and I will (and already have) recommended this to people. It's an incredible read and, as I mentioned above, leaves you feeling positive.
I admit that I was hesitant to read this book. The idea of learning to deal with the grief of something so sensitive and life changing as Losing a Child was a bit daunting for me, and I was worried about the emotions that might evoke in me. But I quickly found that Author Melanie Delorme has a talent of writing about something hard in a way that was positive and uplifting. The way she discussed the ABCs of learning, coping, moving forward but not forgetting, and more was incredible. I read that book in one sitting and I was completely fascinated. It actually left me feeling very positive. I am amazed at her ability with words and of discussing hard topics in a way that leaves a reading feeling as though no matter how hard the trial, there is hope and a chance to grow, learn, and heal in a way.
I honestly loved this book. It doesn't apply only to losing a child - even though that's what it was written about - but to so trials in life that seem daunting and overwhelming. I will read this book again and I will (and already have) recommended this to people. It's an incredible read and, as I mentioned above, leaves you feeling positive.

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