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Monday, August 14, 2017

Review - After the Flowers Die

After the Flowers Die: A Handbook of Heartache, Hope and Healing After Losing a child by Author Melanie Delorme

"Is it possible to survive the loss of a child?

Even though you might be feeling that the answer to this question is no, never, absolutely not; be assured that not only is it possible for you to survive, but you are also strong enough to thrive after this devastating tragedy.

The loss of a child creates a gaping hole in a parent’s heart that seems unbearable and the only people who truly understand your pain are other bereaved parents. Melanie is one of those parents and, in After the Flowers Die, she offers encouragement, hope and honest suggestions for how you can once again experience joy. 

This book is written in an easy to read A to Z format and covers topics that many parents may experience, such as anger, bitterness, birthdays, Christmas, hope, signs, and more. If you have lost a child and are feeling hurt and lost, this book is a great starting point for you to acknowledge your loss, celebrate your child’s life and find hope.

Are you ready to begin your journey towards healing?"

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I admit that I was hesitant to read this book. The idea of learning to deal with the grief of something so sensitive and life changing as Losing a Child was a bit daunting for me, and I was worried about the emotions that might evoke in me. But I quickly found that Author Melanie Delorme has a talent of writing about something hard in a way that was positive and uplifting. The way she discussed the ABCs of learning, coping, moving forward but not forgetting, and more was incredible. I read that book in one sitting and I was completely fascinated. It actually left me feeling very positive. I am amazed at her ability with words and of discussing hard topics in a way that leaves a reading feeling as though no matter how hard the trial, there is hope and a chance to grow, learn, and heal in a way.
I honestly loved this book. It doesn't apply only to losing a child - even though that's what it was written about - but to so trials in life that seem daunting and overwhelming. I will read this book again and I will (and already have) recommended this to people. It's an incredible read and, as I mentioned above, leaves you feeling positive.

Melanie Delorme was a content English teacher, wife, mother, sister and friend when without warning she gained the title of bereaved parent when her eight-year-old son Garrett was accidentally killed in a hunting accident. Her road to healing brought her to write her first book. Melanie is involved with her local chapter of Compassionate Friends and is passionate about offering hope to other bereaved parents. She is currently living on a ranch in Southern Saskatchewan with her husband, Gerry, and their two children. 

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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Courting the Country Miss Review

Cynical and broken-hearted, Leticia banishes dreams of marriage. When her childhood friend, Tristan, wagers he can find her the perfect husband, she hopes the challenge will coax him to forgo his devil-may-care lifestyle. Meanwhile, Leticia throws herself into forming her charity school but meets opposition—even from the people she’s helping.

Guilt-ridden that his past mistakes robbed Leticia of true love, Tristan vows to set it right, but match-making has its pitfalls for a repentant scoundrel. When he finds two ‘perfect’ gentlemen to court her, he discovers his own deep feelings for the lady.

Though Tristan seems to reform, Leticia doesn’t dare risk heartbreak with a notorious rake. When opposition for the school takes a deadly turn, can Tristan protect her from a madman bent on destroying their dreams and their lives?

Author Donna Hatch always writes amazing stories. I was excited about this book because I wanted so much to know what happened to Leticia after reading Courting the Countess (Review Here). I never imagined that Tristan might be a prospect for Leticia but I loved reading their story. There were twists I did not see coming and sweet moments I had no anticipated. I ached for Tristan as he tried to prove himself, and felt Leticia's frustrations as she tried to serve the poor and give to those in need with so much opposition. This was truly a sweet story and I highly recommend it. Donna's collection of over 20 books have all touched my heart and I've returned to read them over and over again. This book definitely fits well with her collection. I do recommend reading the first book COURTING THE COUNTESS to give yourself the background story, however this book can be read by itself too as they do elude to the previous events enough that you can figure out what happened without feeling lost of confused. I'm excited to see what Donna has for us next!

Come check out her other books and see what's new!

And she has even more books we have not featured!

Be sure to check them out on her website!

Donna Hatch is the author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award. A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her husband). A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Review - 10 Weeks at Chanute

In 1992 an aimless young man decided to serve his country and joined the Air National Guard. To complete his training, he was sent to venerable Chanute Air Force Base in the flats of Illinois to learn how to turn wrenches on jet engines. It was a place brimming with history, a place he soon grew to love.

Soon thereafter, Chanute closed its doors forever, becoming a modern ruin in the years that followed, taking the young man's heart with it.

This humorous, witty and occasionally ribald memoir details the experience of one of the last Airmen to pass through the hallowed gates of Chanute Air Force Base, and how the experience haunts him to this very day.

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It was very easy to get caught up in the flow of this novella. I had worried that I wouldn’t understand or be connecting because I have no military knowledge, but it was surprisingly easy to be connected to Author Ren Garcia. He is a great story teller and the memoir moved along at a quick pace. I could see the places he described and feel for him during his time at Chanute and the things he experienced. But I also found myself smirking or laughing a bit at the humor of some of the situations as well. There is some swearing and a bit of vulgarity – but nothing that shocked me since we were seeing the situation from inside of a group of men who were in tough training and strict situations. But I really enjoyed this book, the memories, the situations, and the story itself. I would definitely recommend it as a great read. I also enjoyed the insight into a world I’ve never experienced and that was something new and fun to discover.

Ren Garcia is a Science Fiction/Fantasy author and Texas native who grew up in western Ohio. He has been writing since before he could write, often scribbling alien lingo on any available wall or floor with assorted crayons. He attended The Ohio State University and majored in English Literature. Ren has been an avid lover of anything surreal since childhood, he also has a passion for caving, urban archeology and architecture. His highly imaginative "League of Elder" book series is published by Loconeal Publishing

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