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Monday, October 30, 2017

Storm Child - Review

16-year-old Eridale Storm must leave the only home she’s ever known and brave the dangers of the unknown wilds to escape capture by Imperial soldiers.
The only safe place is with her mother, who abandoned her to lead the freedom movement when Eridale was just a child. On her journey, Eridale learns that she holds a key role in the confilct between the Empire and the Freedom Fighters. Her choices could lead the people back to freedom or shackle them under the imperial throne forever.
Can Eridale face the heritage that will define the rest of her life?

I enjoyed Melanie's story - a lot! I am always hesitant about post apocalyptic stories because I feel like there is an over saturation of them just now, but this one was well done and I enjoyed it. The world Author Melanie Mason created was fantastic and easy to follow. She wove in details as though they were everyday things and what we didn't know she was able to relay to us through her characters learning. The story grabbed my attention and I held on for the ride. It was enjoyable, clean, and I am excited to see what she brings out next!

Melanie is an author, designer, photographer, and flight attendant all rolled into one. She has told stories all her life and finds her passion in sharing the plots that spin through her head. She now lives in Portland, Oregon, with her two dachshund-chihuahua dogs. She loves the beauty of the Pacific Northwest that feeds her imagination.
When no one is listening, Melanie loves to belt Broadway songs in her living room and car. Someday she hopes to be on a flight where someone is reading her book.

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Tell us about your writing - What genre do you prefer to write? What books, stories, other
publications that you've written are your personal favorites? Anything new coming up?
I love fantasy and mystery, so if I can put them together that is even better. Storm Child is
Dystopian, but there is an underlying mystery to the whole book and the world she lives in is a
crazy view of a possible future.
My Storm Series is one of my favorites that I've written. Of my published books it is a tie
between Storm Child and The Ring of Remaliha. I like mystery with a twist of romance.
In about six months, maybe less if I find the time, I will be publishing book two of the Storm
Series: Imperial Storm. The Kindle version of Storm Child has a sneak peak. ;)
I also have a short story that is part of a romance anthology that is available now on Amazon.
The anthology is Unspoken Words and my short story is Without Saying a Word.

What about you as a person? What do you do to relax? Favorite movies or tv shows?
I'm not sure what relaxing is right now. Between my writing and my flying schedule I don't have
much down time. Believe it or not, I actually like to curl up with a good book and read. When I
feel like it, I play the piano, hike (when it's not raining), and I always love getting some beach
time (even on the rugged and cold Oregon Coast.)
I can't say I have a favorite movie. I like action and adventure. Some movies that I've watched
over and over are: The Princess Bride, Paycheck, Undercover Blues. I'm definitely not a movie
critic. If it entertains me then I like it. I do have to say that Wonder Woman was awesome. I
haven't walked out of a theater intending to buy the movie for a long time.
My hobbies are writing, singing, piano, and theater. I haven't been able to do any theater stuff for
years though because of my job. Maybe someday, when my books can support me and I don't
have to be a flight attendant, I'll get back into the theater stuff. I also love hiking the trails here in
Portland. There is something about nature that brings me back to a good place.

What gets your creative juices going? Do you write to a music, and do you want to share
your playlist?
My creative juices are an interesting thing. I feel that I have been blessed with inspiration for
most of my stories. A lot of times I will get an idea (I like to attribute that to my Heavenly
Father) and I start working or researching. Sometimes I have really vivid dreams and that starts a
story. Sometimes it is just a scene that pops into my head and then the story unfolds.

When I write, I don't plot stuff out. I write by the seat of my pants. I love it that way because it's
like I'm reading the book for the first time . . . it's just in my head.
I don't write to music, but sometimes songs will inspire me. As I was finishing up the edits on
Storm Child I was thinking about a theme song that could define the series (like if it was made
into a movie or a tv series). I went searching on YouTube and found a song by Ruelle that I fell
in love with. It's called Hero. It fit the series perfectly. Now when I want to get all excited about
Storm Child I look up the video and listen.
I've had other songs: pop, classical, instrumental, and rock inspire me. But as a general rule,
when I write it is just me and my head.

"All writers must have cats, especially if they write fantasy or speculative fiction." Do you
have a stand on this one? Any cute pictures of your kitty or other pet?
So as much as I'd love to have a cat, my room mate and best friend is allergic to them. However,
I do have two adorable dogs. Jet and Grant. Grant sometimes acts like a cat, so that helps with
the kitty urges and every once in a while I got to the pet store and pretend to shop for a cat.

Me and Grant  &  Me and Jet

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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Monster Mash Countdown Blitz Day 12

Jessica Parker’s adventures in the written world, have occurred as long as she can remember. Reading stories of dragons, magic, romance and the power of one person, inspired Jessica to write stories of her own. Jessica is currently working on a fairy tale series and the sequel to The Bride Trials
Aside from reading and writing, she enjoys spending time with her family, camping, driving four wheelers, swimming, scuba diving, movies and cooking.
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What if the greatest deception comes from our own heart?

Despite knowing little in expressions of love, Anessa, Queen of the seven covens would set the world on fire if it meant gaining the attentions of Rothe. Despite his past and state of exile, she is determined to remain loyal to the only man to ever claim her love… even if it means stealing the magic mirror of Eventyr. 
But when the shocking truth of Rothe’s intention rises to the surface, Anessa realizes that his dark obsessions are far more than she is prepared to forgive. Caught between the pains of betrayal and the need to gather her courage to face the man she once thought she loved, Anessa steels herself to do whatever it takes to see him fail.
Even if it means making the princess Snow White sleep forever. 
Can Anessa protect the royal family? Or will her own broken heart prove, once and for all, that it really is as evil as the stories say?

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Top Ten List:

1. Family is my ultimate favorite. Everything I do is for them.

2. I could eat Sweet & Sour chicken every day.

3. I'm a sucker for a book with a good romance plotline.

4. My favorite vacations growing up involved camping. Give me trees and mountains I'll be happy.

5. Chocolate, do I need to say more?

6. Books, I have always loved books. Growing up my parents couldn't send me to my room as a punishment because I'd just read.

7. I love scuba diving! The world under the water is amazing.

8. My favorite movie at halloween time is Hocus Pocus. Who doesn't love a story about witches?

9. Fairytales are the stories I'll never have enough of.

10. Star gazing. There is something magical about staring up into the darkness and seeing a fraction of the universe. 

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Friday, October 27, 2017

Monster Mash Countdown Blitz Day 11

USAT Bestselling author, Nichole Giles, is the author of The DESCENDANT series and The WATER SO DEEP series. Her dreams include owning a garden full of fairies, riding a unicorn, and taming her pet dragons. She loves traveling to tropical and exotic destinations, driving with the convertible top down, and playing music at full volume while she sings along.

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Recently forced into the underwater city of Atlantis, Emma Harris has managed to avoid marrying the merman who brought her, but her grandfather—the Sea King—insists that joining with the abusive Merrick is inevitable. When Emma discovers a poison that might restore her human lungs, she goes in search of the rare creature that carries it, prepared to try the poison no matter the cost, so she can return home to her family—and to James.

Since his girlfriend went missing, James’ depression has destroyed his chance at a basketball scholarship and incurred the wrath of his uncle, who was once his strongest supporter. When the police inform him that he’s a suspect in Emma’s mysterious disappearance, James sells his beloved motorcycle to buy a boat so he can find Emma and prove his innocence before going on trial for a murder he didn’t commit.

With destiny against them, it’s only a matter of time before both are imprisoned forever.

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Top Ten List:

10 Random Facts about Nichole Giles

1.     I am the oldest of eleven children: two biological sisters, four biological brothers, and four step-brothers.
2.     I don’t like to read books that don’t involve some kind of romance, kissing scenes included.
3.     I must have lived during the regency period in a past life, because I love corset-style dresses and costumes. For Halloween, I’ll probably dress up, even though my kids won’t.
4.     My favorite food in the world is steamed snow crab. Even better if it’s Cajun spiced!
5.     Whenever I struggle with creating or writing, I like to go for a drive with my convertible top down. I’ve even been known to do this with snow flurries in the air.
6.     Nichole’s ultimate dream house: on a white-sand beach, with lots of windows, palm trees in the yard, a huge patio, and within walking distance to a number of friends’ homes. Also near great shopping. It should also have a dedicated library where I can write.
7.     I have a growing collection of fairies and mermaids. Statues, paintings, miniatures, etc. I love to be surrounded by fantastical creatures.
8.     When I was in high school in Arizona, my friends and I haunted a local hangout, where I became highly proficient at playing, and winning, air hockey.
9.     During my junior year, I had the opportunity to go to New York with my choir, where we sang in Carnegie Hall. We also toured the city, largely without supervision. #shenanigans
10.I have kissed a stingray, petted a shark, high-fived a sea otter, and hugged a dolphin, and spied seahorses and lobsters in the wild, but I have never wrestled an alligator or tried to housebreak a lion—and I don’t think I ever will.

Thanks for hanging out with me for ten random facts. You can learn more about me and my books at

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Monster Mash Countdown Blitz Day 10

Lord Belmont’s life ended in Clovis, in the impenetrable darkness beneath the ground where forbidden rites were once held. Lady Gwendolyn was his love, body and soul, and the Demon in Blue Light killed her.

Every year, on the anniversary of Gwen’s death, he returned to Clovis to stand in the cold desolation, hearing the wind moan through the lonely passes, feeling her loss all over again.

On this anniversary, he wasn’t alone in Clovis. He heard the noises rustling in the brush. He smelled the raw river of Shadow tech. Then he saw it:

The claws …
The flicking tail …
The maniacal, glittering eyes fixed on him …
“I’ve been waiting for you,” it said in a grating voice as it attacked.
* * * * *

Far away, across the cosmos in a city of wondrous crystal towers, two people watch in horror as the desperate scene at Clovis unfolds. They had worked so hard, sacrificed so much, even argued for it before the gods. They convinced the gods they were right, that they knew best, and everything would go well.

But, things weren’t going well at Clovis.

If this situation went poorly, then ages worth of work would be lost, and, just possibly, the universe might come to an end.

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Ren Garcia is a Science Fiction/Fantasy author and Texas native who grew up in western Ohio. He has been writing since before he could write, often scribbling alien lingo on any available wall or floor with assorted crayons. He attended The Ohio State University and majored in English Literature. Ren has been an avid lover of anything surreal since childhood, he also has a passion for caving, urban archeology and architecture. His highly imaginative "League of Elder" book series is published by Loconeal Publishing


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Top Ten List:

10:  Ren was once engaged to a woman 25 years his elder.

9:    Ren visited New York City and admired the World Trade Center towers just a month or so before the tragedy of 9/11.

8:    The FBI once put a gun in Ren's face.

7:    Bad hearts run in Ren's family. He's already outlived most of his paternal grandfathers, all of whom died in their 30's.

6:    Ren's poor eyesight went undiagnosed until he was in the 3rd grade. Up until that point, he was considered "mentally challenged".

5:    Ren broke his neck playing volleyball in college.

4:    Ren often sleeps on the floor, finding it more comfortable than the bed.

3:    Ren was once held at gunpoint and frisked by the guards of the Prince of Saudi Arabia.

2:    Ren was introduced to his wife via Match Makers International.

1:    In a vast extended family of exclusively brown-eyed people, Ren somehow managed to get blue eyes.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Monster Mash Countdown Blitz Day 9

During swim season you can find Marianne Sciucco, a dedicated Swim Mom for ten years, at one of many Skyline Conference swim meets cheering for her daughter and her team, the Mount Saint Mary College Knights.
Marianne is not a nurse who writes but a writer who happens to be a nurse. A lover of words and books, she dreamed of becoming an author when she grew up but became a nurse to avoid poverty. She later brought her two passions together and writes about the intricate lives of people struggling with health and family issues.
Her debut novel "Blue Hydrangeas," an Alzheimer’s love story, is a Kindle bestseller, IndieReader Approved, a BookWorks featured book, and a Library Journal Self-e Selection. She also has two short stories available on Kindle, "Ino's Love" and "Collection.”
A native Bostonian, Marianne lives in New York’s Hudson Valley, and when not writing works as a campus nurse at a community college.

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Sometimes winning is everything. Champion swimmer Aerin Keane is ready to give up her dreams of college swimming and a shot at the Olympics. As she starts senior year in her third high school, Aerin's determined to leave her family troubles behind and be like all the other girls at Two Rivers. She's got a new image and a new attitude. She doesn’t want to win anymore. She's swimming for fun, no longer the freak who wins every race, every title, only to find herself alone. But when her desire to be just one of the girls collides with her desire to be the best Two Rivers has ever seen, will Aerin sacrifice her new friendships to break a longstanding school record that comes with a $50,000 scholarship?

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Top Ten List:

10 Fun Facts About Me
1.     In 8th grade I cut off my waist-length hair so I could have the Dorothy Hamill bob. I thought I could always grow it back. I never did. In my dreams, I have long hair.
2.     There were 1300 kids in my high school graduating class!
3.     I once had a cat that had no tail.
4.     The cat I have today was a rescue.
5.     The first car I ever bought for myself was a 1974 Mustang. We called it the baby blue buggy.
6.     My next car was a 1970 Plymouth Valiant that I bought for $750. It was green, and ugly, and like a tank.
7.     I once worked for a high-end coat manufacturer, and because I was a size 10 was often called to the president's office to model the latest designs.
8.     In 6th grade my friends and I learned all the words to the top  hits, including The Lion Sleeps Tonight, I Think I Love You, and Little Willie.
9.     I met the members of U2 backstage at a concert in Rhode Island in 1983.

10.My favorite author let me interview her for my honors thesis (as long as I didn't publish it, thus she remains unnamed, but she's a multi-time New York Times bestselling author.)

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