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Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas Countdown Blitz Day 12

Laura L. Walker grew up in a large family in the beautiful Gila Valley of southern Arizona. From the time Laura was young, she spent hours drawing characters on paper and fantasizing about their adventures. Life became more serious, however, when Laura met her own hero and they eventually became the parents of six children. In between spurts of grocery shopping, sewing costumes or quilts, transporting kids to practices, and making dinner, Laura still enjoys putting her imagination to good use. She is the author of four contemporary romances.

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1890 Nebraska

For schoolmarm Amanda Cordell, Christmas Eve means getting through the special program she and her pupils have put together for the townsfolk in Langdon. And even though she has vowed to not set eyes on handsome Calvin Hunsaker, it becomes inevitable when his incorrigible son needs her help. Everyone knows how bitter Calvin is over his wife's sudden death, and somehow Amanda senses that he sees her the same way, as the spineless, helpless socialite she used to be.

Calvin Hunsaker is determined to ignore the feeling of attraction stirring inside him for the new schoolmarm, even if she is the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. But she's here to pick up the pieces after her brother and sister-in-law's untimely deaths and raise their two youngsters, not bedazzle him with the same charms his first wife possessed. Better to bundle up and head out of this one-room schoolhouse the second the program's ends.

But a winter storm and two mischievous boys have other plans, and Amanda and Calvin's plans to avoid each other go awry when Calvin is stranded at Amanda's house over the Christmas holiday. Will there be joy and thanksgiving in their future or will the winter blues descend on them once again?"

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Q&A With the Author: 

1.  Describe yourself in 50 words or less.
I am a wife, mother of six, and person with big ideas--most of which are ususally too big for me to put into reasonable action. Does that make me a risk taker? I'm not sure, but in life we all have to take a chance at something, right?

2. What do you love most in the world?
My family and my religion

3. What inspired you to become an Author?
I've always been a dreamer. My fictional world is (usually) more exciting than my real life. And, being an author of sweet romance, the biggest thing I dream about is the big kiss at the end!

4. What is your largest unfulfilled dream, and what are you doing to reach it?
I want to travel and see lots of new places. Writing and publishing stories that people want to read is one way I'm working toward that dream.

5. What is your trick for getting past writer's block? And what advice do you have for other authors who are struggling to tell their story?
Don't get bogged down by a strict outline. Form a basic one and go from there. Let your characters guide you. They'll tell you the story.

6. Now that we've gotten to know each other, tell me a story. It can be long or short. From your childhood or last week. Funny, sad, or somewhere in between. Just make sure it's yours. What's your story?
My grandmother's birthday falls on the week before Christmas. As a child, I remember every Christmas when my aunts and uncles, cousins, and mom and dad and siblings would get together and have a big birthday/Christmas party for her. At the end of the party, we went around town, caroling at the homes of elderly people in our town. Sadly, the tradition has stopped, and I miss those nostalgic days.

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Countdown Blitz Day 11

Cindy Roland Anderson is an Amazon best selling author who writes clean, contemporary romance with a combination of humor, romantic tension and some pretty great kissing scenes. She and her husband live in northern Utah, and are parents to five children, and grandparents to six adorable grandchildren. She is a registered nurse and has worked in the NICU as well as the newborn nursery. She loves to read, almost as much as she loves writing. And she loves chocolate…probably a little too much.

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Lucy Phillips doesn’t want to spend her Christmas vacation dodging her ex-boyfriend, so when he turns up at the airport to give her a ride home, Lucy panics and asks a complete stranger to kiss her. Although the kiss is incredible, Lucy never expects to see the guy again. 

Is it bad luck or destiny when Lucy comes down with a sore throat and the new doctor in Snow Valley is none other than Cole Taggart, the guy she kissed at the airport?


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~ BookGorilla ~ 

Q&A With the Author: 

1.  Describe yourself in 50 words or less:

I’m a wife, a mother, and—according to my grandkids—the best nana ever. I cook out of necessity, but love to bake. I enjoy helping others and love taking care of my family. I love reading and writing light-hearted romance. And I love chocolate. I really, really love chocolate.

2. What do you love most in the world?

My family!

3. What inspired you to become an Author?

I love books and have always been an avid reader. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but one day I just said to myself that I should write a book. I started thinking about a storyline and then I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

4. What is your largest unfulfilled dream, and what are you doing to reach it?

I would love to see one of my books become a Hallmark movie. Recently, Hallmark has started accepting manuscript submissions. My goal is to submit a new manuscript and hope it not only gets published, but is also made into a movie.

5. What is your trick for getting past writer's block? And what advice do you have for other authors who are struggling to tell their story?

Writer’s block is really frustrating. The best way I’ve found to get through it is to ask myself why am I stuck and where do I want the story to go? It really helps to talk it over with someone, like my husband, or just talk to myself out loud. The best advice is to keep writing. If I know what needs to happen next, but I’m having a hard time getting to that scene, I skip over the hard part and write the next scene. It’s amazing because when I come back to the difficult part it is always so clear what I need to do.

6. Now that we've gotten to know each other, tell me a story. It can be long or short. From your childhood or last week. Funny, sad, or somewhere in between. Just make sure it's yours. What's your story?

My kids love to tease about what they call my “blonde” moments. This past week we went to cut down our Christmas tree. After finding the perfect tree, my husband and two boys tied it to the roof of our van. Before reaching home, we decided to stop at Chick-fil-A for dinner. I was driving and when we pulled up to the drive-thru window the girl said, “I see you’ve been Christmas tree shopping.” My first reaction was astonishment. How did she know we’d been out getting our Christmas tree…then it hit me…the tree is on the roof of the car. It was embarrassing, but the Chick-fil-A girl laughed, right along with my family and myself. 

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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Christmas Countdown Blitz Day 10

Tamara Passey was born and raised in Massachusetts around a large family, one that has served as inspiration for most of her writing. She was named Arizona Young Mother of the Year in 2013 and contributes marriage and family articles to She loves most creative endeavors and when she isn't writing or re-writing, you can find her baking or cross-stitching or walking--though not all at the same time. She lives with her husband and three children in Arizona. Other titles by Tamara include The Christmas Tree Keeper: A Novel, and Mothering through the Whirlwind, a short memoir.

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Four seasons. That’s how long Angela Donovan hoped to know Mark Shafer before they married. But less than a year later, she still fears that she’s repeating the mistake of a failed relationship. 

As Christmas approaches, she senses Mark’s plans for a proposal, and wonders if she can learn to trust again. Mark has learned all there is to know about the Shafer miracle trees—or so he thinks. 

Papa reveals secrets about the trees’ matchmaking power just as a highway expansion threatens to destroy the family legacy. Mark is determined to save the farm, and the promise of love stirring in the branches of the Shafer miracle trees. Heartwarming and engaging, 

The Tree Keeper’s Promise captures the warmth and wonder of the holiday season.

~ Amazon ~ Amazon UK

Q & A with the Author:

1.  Describe yourself in 50 words or less.

I can write a novel, but ask me to describe myself, and I get writer’s block. I’ve lived as many years in the southwest as I have in the northeast. Both places are dear to me. Also, I love to be creative for the joy it brings.  

2. What do you love most in the world?

My family.

3. What do you fear most?


4. What is your largest unfulfilled dream, and what are you doing to reach it?

Finishing my degree. What am I doing to reach it? Deciding my major.

5. What is the hardest thing you've ever done? 
Motherhood (and still doing it).

6. Now that we've gotten to know each other, tell me a story. It can be long or short. From your childhood or last week. Funny, sad, or somewhere in between. Just make sure it's yours. What's your story? 

Once upon a time there was a little girl who wanted to write books so she could share stories with her friends. But every time she would visit the library, or read a great book, she would get the idea that she wasn’t smart enough to write her own. Until she was grown and became a mom and was taking care of her daughter who had been sick for several days—during a sleepless night, she had an idea—miracle Christmas trees. She was so excited about the story, she didn’t stop to doubt herself. And The Christmas Tree Keeper was born!

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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper Review

Continuing the adventure that ended in Britain just a short while ago, cousins Adam and Justin Sinclair, with their friend Kim Maleka, are now hunting for the third Stone of Power, one of seven mysterious stones lost centuries ago. The third stone might be located in an ancient city, hidden in the depths of the Mexican jungle. When their small plane crashes in the jungle, Adam, Justin, Kim, and James are rescued by an uncontacted tribe. James, who is wounded, must stay behind as the kids, with only a young boy, Tukum, as their guide, make their way through the dense and dangerous jungle to find the city. River rafting on a crocodile-infested river and evading predators are just part of this hazardous task.

Of course, their old adversary Dr. Khalid is close behind as the kids press on in search of the lost city of stone gods. But he is not the worst of their problems. This time Adam will clash with a terrible enemy who adopts the persona of an evil Aztec god, Tezcatlipoca, and is keen to revive the ancient tradition of human sacrifice. Adam, Justin, and Tukum must play a dreadful ball game of life and death and maybe survive. Will they emerge alive from the jungle? Will Dr. Khalid find the third Stone of Power before they do?

This book is the 3rd in the series, and I haven't read the first two, but it was a lot of fun to read and easy to follow. The author does a great job of filling us in on the back story and letting us know the characters as if this were the first time but without boring any readers who may have read the first few books. I would probably suggest reading them in order, but not reading the other 2 did not detract from the story for me.  The characters were fun and each had their own personality along with the fun shifts of of being adolescent/teens and finding their place in the world despite being on an adventure in a strange country. The story was well written and moved nicely. I never felt bored or like things dragged, and I certainly never felt the desire to stop reading. It is a good book, fun adventure, great MG reading, and I do highly recommend it. I intend to go back and read books 1&2 now, and I look forward to book 4 in this fun series!

I am a children’s author, but up until a few years ago, I was a journalist and editor. Something rather unexpected sparked my new career as an author—a family trip to Egypt with my mother and two young nephews. We had a great time and I thought I’d write them a short story as a different kind of souvenir…. Well, one book and a planned book series later, I had changed careers. I have now published Book 3 (The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper) in my MG adventure series Chronicles of the Stone, with many awards for the first book, The Secret of the Sacred Scarab, and a few for Book 2, The Search for the Stone of Excalibur, and one already for Book 3! I also teach online novel writing for aspiring authors and I find that very satisfying. Relaxation time finds me enjoying something creative or artistic, music, books, theatre or ballet. I love doing research for my book series. I love animals and have written two animal rescue stories. I have two adorable (naughty) little dogs called Chloe and Pumpkin, and a beautiful black cat called Bertie.

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Check out the Book Trailers of the first 2 books in the series

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Christmas Countdown Blitz Day 9

Tamara Passey was born and raised in Massachusetts around a large family, one that has served as inspiration for most of her writing. She was named Arizona Young Mother of the Year in 2013 and contributes marriage and family articles to She loves most creative endeavors and when she isn't writing or re-writing, you can find her baking or cross-stitching or walking--though not all at the same time. She lives with her husband and three children in Arizona. Other titles by Tamara include The Christmas Tree Keeper: A Novel, and Mothering through the Whirlwind, a short memoir.

Connect with the Author here: 
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"Though Angela Donovan is out of work and needs money for rent, she yearns for her eight-year-old daughter to have a carefree holiday. The last thing she wants is the pressure of her daughter expecting a miracle. But when they pick out a Christmas tree at a cozy Massachusetts tree farm that’s exactly what happens when they learn the trees might be miracle trees.

Mark Shafer is soon to be the new keeper of the Christmas trees when he inherits the family farm. He’d like to run it with a family of his own, but his girlfriend wants nothing to do with farm life. He makes plans to sell so he can propose to his girlfriend and pursue a career in music. Then he meets an unforgettable customer and her daughter, and an anonymous gift compels them to learn the truth about the trees.

With a buyer willing to pay top dollar for the land, Mark has the fate of the trees in his hand. Will he be able to see what and who is most important? And will Angela give the miracle of love a chance?"

Q&A With the Author: 

1.  Describe yourself in 50 words or less.
Ask me to write a novel and I can go on for days. Ask me to write about myself and I draw a blank!  I value kindness and creativity. I love to be creative for the joy it brings.

2. What do you love most in the world?

My family.

3. What inspired you to become an Author?

Good books & life.

4. What is your largest unfulfilled dream, and what are you doing to reach it?

Finishing my degree. Taking one class at a time.

5. What is your trick for getting past writer's block? And what advice do you have for other authors who are struggling to tell their story?

Lean into the block. Let it be. Don't freak out about it. Use it for what it's worth-a rest, a time for discovery, a time to learn more about yourself. Go play. Do something creative that doesn't take as long, paint, draw, bake.

6. Now that we've gotten to know each other, tell me a story. It can be long or short. From your childhood or last week. Funny, sad, or somewhere in between. Just make sure it's yours. What's your story?

I'm often asked if I use any personal experiences in my fiction. Here is something that happened to me that I "used" in The Christmas Tree Keeper. After my husband graduated college, we moved to some apartments in a new city. I applied for the assistant manager position that a friend told me about. At the end of the interview, I was offered the resident manager position! I was surprised and grateful. For anyone who has read the novel, obviously Angela had a different reason for going to the management office, but I liked being able to include an experience where the outcome is unexpected, but happy too!

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