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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Secrets Never Die book blitz

Tallie Brown’s life has never made sense. Raised in isolation by her mother, Julia, Tallie was dragged suddenly and without explanation from one third-world outpost to another until life normalized seven years ago when Julia took a position on a mountaintop in the Pacific northwest. But when Julia unexpectedly dies, Tallie uncovers clues suggesting that Julia had a secret life. Journalistic phenom Jackson James is still recovering from the devastating mistake that flatlined his promising career. Now he’s paying the price, working as the editor of a syrupy community rag in a posh D.C. suburb. But when the very man who destroyed him drops a tantalizing lead about a potential D.C. scandal, the reporter sees his chance for redemption and sets off to chase the story. Jackson’s investigation leads him to Cutler’s Ridge, a dying Virginia coal town, and directly into the path of the mysterious and beautiful Tallie. As these two mistrustful loners follow their leads, their stories begin to intertwine until they reach an alarming conclusion – something terrible happened in Cutler’s Ridge. As they doggedly pursue the story, the town’s cold reception spirals into threats and danger, proving that there are those who will stop at nothing to keep the past hidden forever –because secrets never die.

Laurie (L.C.) Lewis will always be a Marylander at heart—a weather-whining lover of crabs, American history, and the sea. She admits to being craft-challenged, particularly lethal with a glue gun, and a devotee of sappy movies. Secrets Never Die is Laurie’s twelfth published novel.
Her women’s fiction/romance novels include Love on the Line, (2019), Awakening Avery, (2018), Love on a Limb, (2017), Sweet Water, (2017), The Dragons of Alsace Farm (2016), and
Unspoken (2004), written as Laurie Lewis. Using the pen name L.C. Lewis, she wrote the five volumes of her award-winning FREE MEN and DREAMERS historical romance series, set against the backdrop of the War of 1812: Dark Sky at Dawn (2007), Twilight’s Last Gleaming
(2008), Dawn’s Early Light (2009), Oh, Say Can You See? (2010), and In God is Our Trust, (2011).
Laurie Lewis is a RONE Award Winner (The Dragons of Alsace Farm) and was twice
named a New Apple Literary Award winner in 2017 (The Dragons of Alsace Farm), and in 2018, winning Best New Fiction (Love on a Limb.) She is also a BRAGG Medallion honoree, and she was twice named a Whitney Awards and USA Best Books Awards finalist.
Laurie loves to hear from readers, and she invites you to join her VIP Readers’ Club, or contact her at any of these locations.

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Julia heard the pleading in his voice, and finally she understood what her choices
had cost this man. As the casualties had mounted over the years, she had wondered if
protecting these secrets would all be worth the cost. Now she would never know. She
took a deep breath in preparation for another step, feeling another violent lurch as the
frayed lower rope broke free. Julia clenched the remaining upper rope, determined to
hold on, while dancing her feet along the remaining lower line in the hopes of finding
some support there. There was a momentary calm as she hung by a literal thread
above the jagged trees in the gorge. Looking at her horrified former colleague, she
quietly said, “Go. There’s nothing you can do. If you get caught here, it will all have
been for nothing.”
She watched a sorrowful acceptance slacken his face. His outstretched hand
lowered as he offered a few words of comfort. “I’ll watch out for Tallie.”
Julia jerked her head right, gesturing for him to go and leave her alone.
With a final nod, he turned and walked away without looking back.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Monday, August 26, 2019

Grace Without Grace, Stumbling into Romance - Cover Reveal Today!

Susan was born and raised a Southern California girl but is grateful to have lived on the Oregon coast and in the Rocky Mountains of northern Utah. She’s now enjoying living with her husband in the incomparable beauty of the Redwood forest, nestled against the rugged coast of Northern California.
Susan raised a tribe of children, making ends meet as a registered nurse and lactation consultant, and now her tribe members have tribes of their own and she doesn’t get to see enough of them. She loves to travel and is thrilled with a good movie or a great book, but writing is her passion. She writes almost anything, especially epic fantasy and romance.

Susan would love to hear your comments. Please review her book at your favorite retailer or at Goodreads. Take a peek at her website,, and/ or drop her a note at:

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Grace has given up on romance, on almost everything, since Rick Fleming betrayed her faith in him five years ago. Given her constant struggle with bad luck (her friend Murphy), being insanely accident prone, and having been the target of endless ridicule growing up, she has no reason to trust anyone.
Rick made some mistakes as a boy, and as a young man, his worst was hurting Grace Evans. His heart still belongs to her, even if she doesn’t know it. Unfortunately, in the last confrontation between them, she demanded he never speak to her again.
Now, Grace’s best friend (and Rick’s sister) Hannah has invited her to a ten-day summer work-vacation to babysit Hannah’s teen cousins. A palatial cabin, a patio boat on the lake, and all the comforts of the rich and famous at their fingertips? A vacation made in heaven.
At least until they arrive and Grace finds Rick there. And neither can leave. Rick’s car is in pieces in the garage, and Grace forgot her driver’s license at home.
How will Grace survive it? Can she find a way to forgive? Can Rick learn to take
responsibility for his past mistakes? And even if they succeed, what will they do when Rick’s most recent wantabe girlfriend shows up on their doorstep, determined to make Rick hers?

And now for the Cover

Preorder Available Now on Amazon!

Join us for the upcoming tour featuring this wonderful book HERE!

Find all of Susan Tietjen's books here
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To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Faith of a Wife Tour

Can they survive the refiner's fire?

It is 85 B.C. in the Ancient Americas, and against all odds, Amulek and Tabitha’s arranged marriage has turned into one based on love. Their little family is thriving and life seems to be better than they could have ever hoped for.

Despite her blessed and luxurious lifestyle, Tabitha feels as if something is missing. A part of her yearns for something she cannot see, something to fill the hole inside of her heart. However, no matter where she turns, she cannot find the cure, until she becomes intrigued by a man preaching of God in the town square.

Amulek’s status as a respected and wealthy man in the city of Ammonihah seems to grow by the day. His farm is flourishing and his family is healthy and happy. Everything he ever wanted is in his hands. But when the Lord he has ignored for years, tells Amulek he is not only to house a chosen prophet of God, but travel with him to preach repentance to the people, Amulek’s idyllic life is thrown into turmoil.

No matter his previous status among his peers, Amulek’s change of heart brings his entire family into danger. Before they are ready, their new found faith is thrown directly into the refiner’s fire. It seems as if they will lose everything if they stand firm in their beliefs and follow the plan God has for them. Is what they will gain worth the cost?

“The Faith of a Wife” is a Christian Historical Fiction Romance. Each book is a stand alone story and can be read in any order.

L.A. Pattillo is the mother of 5 busy children and wife to 1 fantastic husband by day and avid reader and writer by night. She loves her father in heaven and is active in her church. She graduated from BYU with a degree in Creative Writing and now resides with her family in the Pacific Northwest.

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Excerpt from the Book:

Amulek looked the man in the eye and straightened his shoulders. “For many
years, I, too, did harden my heart. I was called, but I refused to listen.” Amulek
looked down and shook his head, shame coursing through him as he admitted
to his weakness in front of the large crowd. “I knew,” he said softly, then
looked up with determination, “I KNEW and yet I refused to listen. I rebelled
against God and hardened my heart and mind against the knowledge I had. My
wealth and status were more important to me than the eternal fate of my
family. Even until a few weeks ago when I was on my way to visit a near
kindred.” Amulek’s eyes left the man in front of him and traveled around the
crowd. “For many nights the Lord had given me a dream. A dream that I was to
seek out and feed a prophet of the Lord. On the day I was traveling, an angel of
the Lord stopped me and commanded that I should travel to the South Gate.
The very man that had been appearing in my dream waited for me there.”

A shock-wave of whispers spread through the large crowd. Amulek
noticed the city leaders to his left, many were glaring at him, but before they
could interfere, he continued, “According to the will of the Lord, I received this
man into my house. He has taught us the ways of God, the ways my ancestors
knew and the ways I had pushed aside. But no longer! I testify to you that as
the Lord liveth, even so, He sent an angel to me to manifest the truthfulness of
Alma’s words to me.” He waved his arms in the air. “This prophet has been a
blessing to my family! He has brought us back to the Lord and given us hope
and faith. I have forsaken my fortune in favor of eternity. No longer will I let
the things of the world cloud my vision.”
“See! There are two witnesses! Surely this must mean something!”
“Perhaps you have been in the sun too long, Amulek!” Chuckles and
guffaws bounced around.
“What more do you have to say, Amulek?” another voice called out,
giving Amulek courage to continue.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Monday, August 5, 2019

The King's Trial Tour and Revew

By day Yosyph appears nothing more than a mute tavern-hand. By night he is the shadowy leader of a growing revolution.

When he learns that thousands of his people will be sent as slaves to the mines, he must choose—fight the royal army with an ill-prepared rebellion or journey to the land of his ancestors through the deadly King's Trial, where he hopes to win the help of his kin.

His journey grows complicated when he rescues a maiden and enrages a prince, but if he doesn’t return with help in time, the people he’s loved and secretly served will be gone.

As a youth, I made up stories to help my little sisters go to sleep. It backfired. We stayed up for hours continuing the tale. The King’s Trial was born in those late, whispered nights.
Ever since I climbed up to the rafters of our barn at age four, I've lived high adventure: scuba diving, mud football with my brothers, rappelling, and even riding a retired racehorse at full gallop—bareback. I love the thrill and joy.

Stories give me a similar thrill and joy. I love living through the eyes and heart of a hero who faces his internal demons and the heroine who fights her way free instead of waiting to be saved. I read fiction and true-story adventure. I write both, though I'm starting with publishing the fiction—fact will come later.

I create high fantasy, fairy tale retellings, and poetry. I live a joyful adventure with my husband and six children. I am a Christian and I love my Savior.

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I read this book long back during it's drafting stages, and again recently as Maria has worked on it. And I adore it! I loved it from the start - the concept is fun and engaging. And Maria's way with words keeps a reader captivated. This book has been polished and shined to perfection. And when I finished reading it, I wrote to Maria and asked where the next book is because I was so eager to keep reading. It starts out with a feel similar to The Scarlet Pimpernel, which is a story I love. And then becomes its own story, it's own adventure. I found myself rooting for people I never imagined I would like, and holding my breath as challenges were presented and the characters had to respond.
Great story, wonderful characters, twists and turns you don't see coming. It's a wonderful book, a wonderful story, and a great read.
I highly recommend it.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page