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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Halloween Countdown Blitz: Death at the Dakota

Marni Graff writes two award-winning mystery series: The Nora Tierney English Mysteries and The Trudy Genova Manhattan Mysteries. She teaches writing workshops and mentors the Writers Read program, and is Managing Editor of Bridle Path Press. 

Graff also writes the crime review blog Auntie M Writes,

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Nurse Trudy Genova is making plans to take her relationship to NYPD detective Ned O'Malley to the next level, when she lands a gig as medical consultant on a film shoot at the famed Dakota apartment building in Manhattan, which John Lennon once called home. Then star Monica Kiley goes missing, a cast member turns up dead, and it appears Trudy might be next. Meanwhile Ned tackles a mysterious murder case in which the victim is burned beyond recognition. When his investigations lead him back to the Dakota, Trudy finds herself wondering: how can she fall in love if she can't even survive?

Readers of Death Unscripted, the first book in the Trudy Genova Manhattan Mystery series, will find the same pleasures in this sequel: fast pacing, engaging characters, twists and turns on the way to a satisfying close. From the award-winning author of The Nora Tierney English Mysteries, this second series is a winner. Once again M.K. Graff reveals her talents in crafting this delightful mix of amateur sleuth and police procedural.

Part procedural, part cozy, Death at the Dakota is a well-crafted and highly entertaining mystery.- Bruce Robert Coffin, #1 bestselling author of the Detective Byron mysteries.  

I fell in love -- not only with co-protagonists, Trudy and Ned, the richly detailed and historic setting of The Dakota, and the unique cast of characters, but with the unusual plot of Death at the Dakota. Sherry Harris, Agatha Award nominated author of the Sarah Winston Garage Sale Mysteries

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Top Ten List:

       My dogs, Radar, a 10 yr old Italian Spinone and our new Aussie Doodle puppy, Seamus

Mysteries to read, esp. a series

Pizza, well done with pepperoni

Vodka gimlet, heavy on the lime juice

Black and White movies from the 30-40s, esp Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn

The hour before sunset when everything it lit with a subtle glow

The UK; a real Anglophile for travel

New York City

Crisp new stationary 

Clean sheets

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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Halloween Countdown Blitz: Temple of the Exploding Head

Ren Garcia is a Science Fiction/Fantasy author and Texas native who grew up in western Ohio. He has been writing since before he could write, often scribbling alien lingo on any available wall or floor with assorted crayons. He attended The Ohio State University and majored in English Literature. 

Ren has been an avid lover of anything surreal since childhood. He also has a passion for caving, urban archeology, taking pictures of clouds, and architecture. He currently lives in Columbus, Ohio with his wife, and their four dogs.

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Three books in one:
The Dead Held Hands
The Machine
The Temple of the Exploding Head

Starfarers and explorers, the League settled on Kana thousands of years ago. They found it to be a paradise, a perfect, virtually uninhabited planet waiting just for them in the cradle of space.
Lovely Kana … it was too good to be true …

But, all was not as it seemed. Simmering beneath the ground was a demented god who had soaked Kana in blood for untold ages, luring in victims, lying to them, and rejoicing in their suffering as they died at the hands of his dark angels.
And there will be blood again … From his Temple in the ground, the Horned God stirs.
When Lord Kabyl of Blanchefort, a young man troubled by the weight of the world, dares give his heart to a girl from a mysterious ancient household, one that pre-dates the League itself, he comes to know the shadows of the past that hover over her.

He comes to know of the Horned God, and for love he is destined to face him. All roads lead to the Temple of the Exploding Head, a place of evil and death, rooted in the ancient past, but also tied to the distant future.
“We were evil once,” she said, “and the gods are still punishing us…”

Top Ten List:

10:  Ren was once engaged to a woman 25 years his elder.
9:    Ren visited New York City and admired the World Trade Center towers just a month or so before the tragedy of 9/11.
8:    The FBI once put a gun in Ren's face.
7:    Bad hearts run in Ren's family. He's already outlived most of his paternal grandfathers, all of whom died in their 30's.
6:    Ren's poor eyesight went undiagnosed until he was in the 3rd grade. Up until that point, he was considered "mentally challenged".
5:    Ren broke his neck playing volleyball in college.
4:    Ren often sleeps on the floor, finding it more comfortable than the bed.
3:    Ren was once held at gunpoint and frisked by the guards of the Prince of Saudi Arabia.
2:    Ren was introduced to his wife via Match Makers International.

1:    In a vast extended family of exclusively brown-eyed people, Ren somehow managed to get blue eyes.

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Monday, October 28, 2019

Halloween Countdown Blitz: Love is Death

Born and raised in the rainy streets of the Seattle Area, L.P. Masters spent her fair share of time staring out rain-streaked windows and writing books. Masters has always had extremely vivid dreams, which often spark inspiration for her novels. In 1999, after one such dream, Masters began her first writing project. She has participated in National Novel Writer's Month every November since 2010. Writing isn't the only thing she can do with a pen in her hand, she also enjoys sketching and drawing—with varying degrees of success. Masters now lives in the slightly-less-dreary city of Spokane Washington with her husband, four wonderful daughters, and two crazy dogs.

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Gina’s plan for her afterlife is simple: survive as long as possible. The afterlife is a ghost-kill-ghost kind of place. When she meets newly-dead Alec, she can’t help her desire to protect him. Before she knows it, she finds herself falling for him, despite the little voice in her head telling her it’s a bad idea.

Alec’s goals don’t mesh well with Gina’s plans. Determined to save his living sister from a murderer, he’s willing to disobey the laws of a well-established cult in the afterlife. If the cult finds out, they’ll kill him. Again. He’s hesitant to accept Gina’s help and threaten her afterlife, but he’s guaranteed to fail without her. Together they embark on a perilous mission, but the most dangerous aspect of all is the threat of falling in love. Because in the afterlife... love is death.

Top Ten List:

1. As a kid, I used to write 20 books at a time. I could keep them all straight. I would sit down at the computer and open five or six books that I wanted to work on. I’d write one for a few minutes, get an idea for another one and go work on that one. I was always bouncing around between stories and ideas.
2. Thanks to fun fact #1, by the time I was sixteen years old, I had started 134 books and had finished 12 of them.
3. I used to read books the same way, usually only 2 or 3 at a time.
4. I never finished Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, even though it was interesting and I wanted to read it. I got distracted, set it down, and never picked it up again. I always tell myself that some day I’ll finish it. I do have to know what question 42 answers!
5. A lot of my stories are inspired by my dreams. My dreams are very vivid, and often have large chunks of the beginning, middle, and/or end of a story incorporated into them. Sometimes I’ll dream the beginning of a book, and days or weeks later dream the middle or end of the same book.
6. I unfortunately often experience hypnopompic dreaming, which is a condition in which a person wakes up but continues to dream, so I often will wake up and see things in my room in the middle of the night. They’re usually scary things. No. They’re usually terrifying.
7. Thanks to fun fact #6, I could write horror stories if I wanted to. I would never run out of ideas. So Many Horror Stories! I’ve decided not to embrace those types of dreams that way, but I have written one or two short stories inspired by my dreams.
8. Someone can say a single word and inspire a novel, or a simple sentence and inspire an entire scene. My mind hooks onto things and runs with them.
9. When I first got started reading novels, I often lay in bed thinking about what the author might do next in the story. A lot of times I’d only be halfway through the book and I would already have come up with two or three possible endings in my head. The stories rarely turned out the way I imagined they would, but it was always fun to think of all the different options.

10. Maybe #9 is the reason why I am obsessed with some day creating a series of choose your own adventure sci-fi novels. I’ve already got a ton of them plotted out. I just haven’t sat down and finished them.

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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Halloween Countdown Blitz: Unmasking the Duke

Donna Hatch is the author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award. 

A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her husband).

 A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

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The last thing Hannah Palmer wants to do is flirt with men in a crowded ballroom, but when her sister, the Countess of Tarrington, throws a Masquerade Ball, Hannah can’t say no to the invitation. 

Taking comfort behind her disguise, she dances with a charming masked gentleman, matching him wit for wit. When the glorious evening culminates in a kiss, and the two remove their masks, Hannah is horrified to discover the man she’s been flirting with all night is her most despised neighbor, the Duke of Suttenberg. 

No matter how charming the duke was at the ball, and how wonderful the kiss, he is the last man she could ever love.

Top Ten List:

1.     I adore cats–kittens are even more fun.
2.     Claustrophia is one of my biggest challenges.
3.     My favorite sports are water sports. I love swimming, boating, wake surfing, rowing around on a canoe, and simply walking along the beach of an ocean or lake.
4.     I enjoy horseback riding and hope someday to take lessons so I can learn how to do it well. I'd also love to learn how to ride side saddle.
5.     One of my favorite ways to have a good time with friends is having a tea party. I also love to play board games and card games.
6.     Due to moves in my childhood, I attended 9 different schools including 3 junior high schools. Being the new kid isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
7.     I love chocolate. Chocolate has seen me through many brutal revisions. But please hold the dark chocolate--in most cases, it's too chalky and bitter. I love MILK chocolate, with or without caramel, and with or without nuts. Mmmmm. Salted caramel is a very close second.
8.     My favorite color is blue scruffy shade of blue is beautiful. I also adore pink but there are a lot of ugly shades of pink so I'm pickier on that one.
9.     Though I'm not a real gardener, I love flowers, and I find it rewarding to plan and then carry out ways to add color to my yard.

10.I love to dance--any kind--but most especially ballet and ballroom. I would dance every day if I could.

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Friday, October 25, 2019

Halloween Countdown Blitz: The Scarecrow

Cas lives in the lovely county of Hampshire, southern UK, where she was born. On leaving school she trained for two years before qualifying as horse-riding instructor. During this time she also learned to carriage-drive. She spent thirteen years in the British Civil Service before moving to Rome, Italy, where she and her husband, Dave, lived for three years. They enjoy returning whenever they can. Cas supports many animal charities and owns two rescue dogs. She has a large collection of cacti and loves gardening. She is also a folk singer/songwriter and is currently writing and recording nine folk-style songs to accompany each of her fantasy books. You can listen to and download all the songs from her website: 

See the video of her performing live at the King’s Envoy book launch here:

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Pure evil rises once again in Albia…

Three years have passed since Baron Reen’s trial. A terrible accident on the island of his exile has transformed him into a nightmarish scarecrow creature with dark, mysterious powers. Staging his own suicide, Reen breaks free of his prison and, with the help of the former queen Sofira, embarks on a ruthless quest for vengeance against his worst enemy, the woman responsible for the overthrow of his schemes and his own ruination: Brynne Sullyan.

Sullyan is tasked with investigating Reen’s suicide. The missing body and a series of disasters in Port Loxton—a vicious murder, a brutal ambush, and a devastating fire—raise suspicions in her mind. She probes deeper, determined to uncover the truth, unsuspecting of the evil that’s about to be unleashed…

This book is on special offer for this week on Amazon!!! Check out the discounted price below!

Top Ten List:

1) Anthing to do with animals, especially dogs and horses. My favorite horse breed is the Friesian, which is why I put one in my novels. I also own two rescue dogs and support many animal charities.
2) Singing, especially folk-style songs. I also sing in my local church choir.
3) Chocolate!!
4) Dragons and (I have to admit!) unicorns. I have collected figurines and statues of dragons and unicorns since I was small and have a vast collection, some of which live outdoors. But I don’t like “twee”, only ones that look like they could be real.
5) Reading, especially fantasy and sci-fi.
6) Country walks.
7)All wildlife, especially butterflies. I used to breed and release UK varieties, and belong to the Butterfly Conservation Society.
8) Did I mention chocolate?
9) Spending time with family members.

10) Playing my bodhran (Irish drum). I can’t read music so decided to take up drumming instead! It’s fun and very theraputic.

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