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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Book Tour: The Defender

New roles. New rules. No margin for error.

Zezilia Ilar joins the sept son’s entourage as a defender. Her growing Talent ability makes her a target for the Elitists, and her gender makes people question her competence. She must protect the sept son. Any mistake could be fatal.

Hadrian Aleron always knew his beliefs would cause trouble, but he didn’t realize how much. Rebels are rising. He could lose his title, his position, and if he’s not careful, his life. As the assassination attempts grow bolder, Hadrian must rely upon his young defender and their shared faith in the Almighty to keep him from faltering.

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Rachel Rossano lives with her husband and three children in the northeastern part of the United States. Homeschooled through high school, she began writing her early teens. She didn’t become serious about pursuing a career as an author until after she had graduated from college and happily married. Then the children came.

Now she spends her days being a wife, mother, teacher, and household manager. Her evenings and free moments are devoted to her other loves, writing and book cover design. Drawing on a lifelong fascination with reading and history, she spends hours creating historical feeling fantasy worlds and populating them with characters who live and breathe on the page. 

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Top Ten List
10 Things Rachel Rossano would do if she had more time:
1)     Write more. I never seem to have enough time to write.
2)     Do more crafts. I used to do all kinds of things like painting, crocheting, sewing, and other crafts. I gave that all up for writing and kids.
3)     Read more. In the daily juggle of homeschooling, housekeeping, and keeping two careers alive, I rarely have enough time to read as I wish.
4)     Make premade book covers. I keep intending to do this, but I never actually manage to do it.
5)     Plot more than one book ahead. I am working on this.
6)     Take up painting digitally and physically.
7)     Learn to dance. It is something I have always wanted to learn.
8)     Take up horseback riding. Despite all the horses in my books, I have very little hands-on experience.
9)     Study history in depth. Right now all I can manage is grabbing overviews unless I am researching something specific for a book.
10)                        Exercise more. Yeah, this should be higher on the list.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Friday, November 1, 2019

Halloween Countdown Blitz: Married at Midnight

Arabella Sheraton grew up on a diet of Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, and many other writers of that period. From Jane Austen to Georgette Heyer, Arabella has found both enjoyment and inspiration in sparkling, witty Regency novels. She also loves history and generally finds the past more fascinating than the future. Arabella wrote her first Regency romance to entertain her aged mom who loved the genre. Arabella is honoured to share the adventures of her heroes and heroines with readers.

A sparkling traditional Regency romance to enchant fans.

When the young and handsome Earl of Pennington discovers the inheritance from his great-uncle depends on him marrying at midnight on the eve of his thirtieth birthday, he is irate. Marriage is not part of his plan to save his impoverished estates. He crosses paths unexpectedly with the beautiful Roxanne Chesney, who is fleeing from her abusive husband. 

He offers her a contract: marriage for six months to help him fulfil the conditions of his great-uncle’s will, enabling him secure his inheritance. In return he will pay her a small fortune. 

Can Roxanne resist this offer? What about the revolting Edgar Doyle who forced her into a loveless marriage that has not been consummated? Roxanne has escaped Edgar’s clutches, but she wonders how long she will manage to evade him. The earl’s contract has no strings attached. The offer is irresistible except for the fact that Roxanne is already married!

Top Ten List:

10 Fun Facts
1.     Arabella Sheraton is a pseudonym but if I tell anyone who I really am, I’ll have to kill them…
2.     The image I use for Arabella is a portrait my grandmother painted many years ago of her best friend. It seemed a fitting tribute to my wonderful grandmother and her friendship.
3.     I love anything olde worlde, which means that since I write in the genre of Regency romance, perhaps I lived once upon a time in Jane Austen’s era. Who knows? I like to think so.
4.     Pride and Prejudice is my favorite Austen book and book to series adaptation. I just love Mr. Darcy, even when he is acting like a starched shirt.
5.     I have always loved reading romances set in the Regency era, and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that apart from my mom having all the Austen books, she was also an avid Georgette Heyer fan, and as a result, so am I.
6.     I am never short of ideas for a Regency novel and sometimes a title just pops into my head and from that comes a book.
7.     I wrote my first Regency romance to entertain my aged mom, now passed on, who loved the genre.
8.     I generally find the past more fascinating than the present.
9.     My second favourite book to series adaptation is North and South starring the divinely sexy Richard Armitage.

10.I can’t start the day without a pot of English tea to get me going.

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Halloween Countdown Blitz: The Cursed Collectibles

Jace lives in Arizona with my family, wife and five kids and a little dog. He writes fiction, thrillers and soft sci-fi with a little short horror on the side. He holds an MBA and work sin finance for a biotechnology firm.

Jace volunteers with the Boy Scouts, plays and writes music, and enjoys everything outdoors. He's also a novice photographer.

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Spend an afternoon antiquing and it’s not hard to figure out why picking has become one of America’s fondest pastimes. It’s treasure hunting while connecting with history. But what if those treasures hunt us back?

From old books, to vinyl records, antique mirrors, vintage figurines, or a Bob’s Big Boy piggy bank, curses have no limits.

Featuring stories from D.J. Butler, Joy Auburn, Martin L. Shoemaker, Jessica Guernsey, John D. Payne, Jen Bair, Karen Pellett, Steve Ruskin, Tanya Hales, Lauren Lang, Frank Morin, Mike Jack Stoumbous, Kelly Lynn Colby, Jace Killan, Jo Schneider, Gama Ray Martinez, Martin Greening, Chris Abela, A.J. Mayall, Heidi A. Wilde, Shannon Fox, Lauryn Christopher, and Mark Leslie Lefebvre.

All proceeds of this book go to the Don Hodge Scholarship Fund for writers

Top Ten List:

- I smoke ribs really well
- I like music and play several instruments
- I manage an antique store
- Yes there have been ghost sitings
- I put myself through college making wedding videos
- I'm in an anthology with Brandon Sanders.
- Yes, that Brandon Sanderson.
- I speak castellano (a superior form of Spanish)
- I read Lord of the Rings in the 4th grade.

- I know a guy working on the Christopher Nolan film Tenet

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page