There is a hidden treasure in the grand old mansion on Piccadilly Street, in a place called London, but not the real London of English fame. There’s also a lot of mystery and a murder that’s been unsolved for decades. But it’s the treasure that captures Mary’s interest.
Mary lives in this house along with her family, her Brownie friends and a ghost. When the ghost reveals her secret about the hidden treasure, there’s no stopping Mary, her Brownie friends, or her enemies from searching for this treasure.
Select the cover to view book on your local Amazon Page

She writes about the extra-ordinary in life and her books, short stories, and articles are receiving considerable attention. For more information on the author, check out her website at:
Author Interview:
When you consider your future, what would you like to make happen for you?
Given the current world situation, I’d have to say the most important thing for all of us is to make it
through this Covid19 pandemic. I think there’ll be some amazing stories evolve from this horrific
experience. I just hope we all learn from the experience and, like the parents of the 1950s and 1960s (my parents especially) always enforced, wash your hands well: again and again and again!
Given that people are supposed to be self-isolating (and I hope everyone is), I’d like to think that more people are reading and enjoying my books, as well as books by other new writers. If you’re looking for suggestions of some great new publications (other than my books, of course), check out my Facebook page,, to see some of the books I’ve recently read and reviewed.
How do you spend your free time?
Reading, writing letters (the old fashioned way), walking my dog, working in the garden (or, in the winter, making plans for spring gardening), needlework, collage painting, playing the piano, composing music. I guess you could say I do just about everything that is creative. Each creativity inspires the other. It’s a good thing I have so many stay-at-home activities in the current world situation. We have to keep busy, keep our minds active and try to think positive. For me, that means forever doing something creative.
Which fictional character, book or film, would you like to meet and why?
Andy Carpenter, and his dog, Tara, from David Rosenfelt’s “Andy Carpenter Series”. I could use a little bit of his clever sleuthing mixed with humor and lots of doggie love right now. Couldn’t you?
A genie grants you three writing-related wishes: what are they and why?
1 - That everyone would see the importance of reading and start reading books again.
Why? If more people read, then the publishing industry would grow again and there would be a greater demand for books such as mine and so many other very talented authors who are not getting the attention they deserve.
2 - That every country in the world would adopt Iceland's holiday tradition of giving books to loved ones on Christmas Eve.
Why? I think this is a lovely tradition and a great way to support contemporary writing talent.
3 – That people would read more historical relevant material and learn from what they read.
Why? We’ve had world pandemics before: the plague, the Spanish flu in 1918/19, smallpox in 1947. If only we’d learn from history and move forward together, away from the current ‘me’ generation.

My 11-year-old and I are reading the entire set and so far loving them, but didn't get a chance to finish. We will be done this coming week and all 3 individual reviews will be posted here
on this page as well as on Amazon!
In the meantime, feel free to enjoy my review of book 1 - Mrs. Murray's Ghost - originally posted HERE on this blog and on Amazon.
Book 1 Review -