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Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas Countdown Blitz Day 10

When she was in Paris, Kimberley Montpetit spent all of her souvenir money at the La Patisserie shops with their gorgeous and delicious pastries. 

She grew up in the fabulous city of San Francisco, hides a stash of anything chocolate and caramel when she can get away with it, and now lives in a small town along the banks of the Rio Grande with her engineer husband and three sons. 

Can two clashing agents survive gunshots, murderous millionaires, and dangerous covert snooping? Most importantly, will their own hearts betray them in the end?

Our Heroine: Erin Steele, FBI Agent. Alias: Cassandra Fairfax, oil heiress.

Her Partner: Braden Moretti, CIA Special Ops. Alias: Marcus Romero, Erin’s drop-dead gorgeous date with a talent for driving her crazy.

Where: A fancy Christmas party at the mansion of the wealthiest man in San Francisco.

Undercover Assignment: Fake Fabergé jewels selling for ten million bucks. A sting operation to take down the bad guys, of course . . . it’s all in a night’s work. 

Biggest Blunder: An encounter under the mistletoe that goes horribly wrong . . . or perfectly right?

◆ Fall in love with Romantic Suspense that includes intrigue and danger - all wrapped up in a red Christmas bow!

◆ Included in this romance: Agent Erin Steele's special Christmas morning recipe and pictures of a stunning Faberge jewel!

◆ Visit the author at for a free gift.  


Author Interview:

What is your favorite Wintertime Activity?

Staying warm and reading! Baking lots of cookies plus lemon tarts from an old-fashioned recipe of my grandmother who emigrated from England. Holiday shopping, singing, and decorating with my kiddos. 

How many unpublished / half-finished books do you have in progress?

Hmm. I tend to finish books I begin (which is fortunate!), but I have lots of ideas and some outlines of book ideas and plots. I wrote a LOT of books which I call my “practice novels” that have never been published. 


What was the most surprising thing you learned when creating your book (in research or in yourself?) 

I’ve learned over the years how much I adore research and learning new things and new cultures and new places around the world, including intriguing people and historical events with mysteries. I like to read books about my subject, online articles and watch documentaries. For this new Christmas book it was all about the world of Faberge! The artistry and unique designs and craftsmanship are truly stunning. The man was a genius and craftsman bar none. Pair that with the end of the Victorian Era through WWI and the Russian Royal family and there are lots of stories to tell! 


Tell us about the greatest Christmas gift you ever received. 

 My first two sons were born in the fall and they were infants during their first Christmas and that was always so special thinking about Christ as a newborn baby and holding them and trying to imagine what it was like when Mary only had Joseph to help her during the difficult circumstances she was in for delivering her first child. I admire her so much for her faith and pure love. 

Last year I had another great Christmas gift–my own life. I *died* 5 times (5 Code Blues with the defibrillator and went without oxygen for 10 minutes) and was in a coma for a week, but so many miracles happened to preserve my life that it still feels surreal to me that I’m still here. My gratitude is immense for wonderful doctors and the miracle that happened that terrible night, including God’s daily blessing of life and my family!  


What inspired you to write this novel?

I’m part of a writer’s group that helps one another and cheers each other on and last year we decided we’d all do a Fake Fiancé Christmas book in a series. I was excited to do one since I hadn’t ever written a fake fiancé romance before and had always wanted to try. We had our beautiful and snazzy covers designed for the series and then my very sudden health issue happened that landed me in the hospital for weeks and in recovery for months afterward which means my Christmas book never got finished or published. 

I actually forgot about the book during my rehab and recovery (no writing happened for about 8 months). When I finally began writing again, I finished another book for a series that just needed the final book – Mostly Perilous, The Women of Ambrose Estate. It was finished in August and it’s one of my all-time favorites. 

A month later, I thought, “Hey, I have a cover for a Christmas romance that I forgot about – I need to write that!” And Her Secret Agent turned out SO much fun to write! I hope everyone has a great time reading it! 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Christmas Countdown Blitz Day 9

Karlie Lucas is a school crossing guard by day and a writer/artist by night. 

A graduate of Southern Utah University, Karlie received a B.A. in Creative Writing, with a minor in art. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, The International English Honor Society, SCBWI, as well as ANWA, the American Night Writers Association.
Karlie is interested in all things magical and mysterious, especially elves and dragons. She is an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling.

When not writing, Karlie can often be found drawing, baking, watching her favorite old school shows, or just spending time with her family.

She currently resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband and a cat named Kally. 

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Marie never expected to wake up in North Pole City, let alone being made Santa’s Emergency Replacement. It was a job she never wanted but couldn’t turn down, thanks to Clarence, Santa’s right hand man. 

Now, Marie has to work with Clarence, who believes she is some kind of criminal who will cause the destruction of everything he holds dear. Trying to prove that he’s wrong, Marie keeps making mistakes that push them even further apart. It doesn’t help that she has a past she’d rather keep hidden. However, trying to keep her past where it should belong isn’t easy.

Just when Marie starts to feel like things are coming together, a madman with a bone to pick, and Christmas to ruin, threatens the whole of the North Pole Organization. Marie must rely on Clarence and her new friends to help her face her past before Christmas is gone forever.  But does she have the courage to truly be herself when it could mean losing everything?


Author Interview:

1. What is your favorite Wintertime Activity?
Growing up, I would say snowball fights or tubing down tall hills. But, now that I live in the south, it's just walking in the snow, if we ever have any, then drinking hot cocoa with my hubby.

2. How many unpublished / half-finished books do you have in progress?
Oh gosh. Um... more than I can remember off hand. I do have two childrens' books waiting for me to illustrate them, a few short stories, an adult novel, a drawer full of various partial drafts of who knows how many stories, and a few new projects on the back burner.

3. What was the most surprising thing you learned when creating your book (in research or in yourself?)
I think the most surprising thing was how much I relate to the main character, especially at that time in my life when I wrote it. Like her, I've grown a lot over the years.

4. Tell us about the greatest Christmas gift you ever received.
I honestly couldn't tell you what kind of gifts I've received over the years because it's not the gifts that stand out to me, but I can tell you the most memorable Christmas was when Santa visited my childhood home. We didn't expect him and he just came out of nowhere, though I seem to remember seeing what might have been a limo parked down the street. He came in, looking as legit as can be, gave us pre-filled stockings, visited for a bit, and then left. To this day, I don't think even my parents know who he really was.

5. What did you edit out of your book? (Such as a cut scene or an idea that just wouldn't fit?)
I actually didn't edit anything out. It's rather the reverse. I actually added a lot to it. When I originally wrote it, it was bare bones, though I did change a few scenes here and there to fit in with the more modern editions as I edited over the years.

6. What inspired you to write this novel?
I always have had a fascination with Santa Claus and the elves and was saddened who, at the time, a lot of the radio commentators (my mom's programs) seemed to disparage how the elves were "overworked and underpaid" and I didn't think it would be like that at all, so I set out to create a world that proved those claims false. It really started out as a daydream, a movie in my head, I guess, about the opening scene, and then it just went from there.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas Countdown Blitz Day 8

Arabella Sheraton grew up on a diet of Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, and many other writers of that period. From Jane Austen to Georgette Heyer, Arabella has found both enjoyment and inspiration in sparkling, witty Regency novels. She also loves history and generally finds the past more fascinating than the future. Arabella wrote her first Regency romance to entertain her aged mom who loved the genre. Arabella is honoured to share the adventures of her heroes and heroines with readers.

In this delightful traditional Regency romance, Miss Diana Dashwood accepts an invitation to Lady Prescott's Christmas party at Camden House, in the countryside. But things do not go quite as she imagined. 

Through an unexpected event, she is forced to spend the night in a woodsman's hut with one of the guests. What a scandal! 

Of course, Sir Gareth Blakely must propose, and he does. Unfortunately, Miss Diana Dashwood has already been engaged to and broken off her engagement from Sir Gareth Blakely after a bitter quarrel. Is it likely she will bow to social pressure and accept his proposal, one made only to save her reputation, and if they marry, does their union stand a chance of survival?And what about the pretty heiress, Miss Jemima Plymstock, whom everyone thinks is the lady Sir Gareth had his eye upon? Headstrong and proud, Miss Diana Dashwood is caught in a dreadful dilemma. A must-read for Regency fans!

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Author Interview:

1. What is your favorite Wintertime Activity?

a) I love taking long walks with my dog, all wrapped up against the cold. Then coming home to hot chocolate and a good book. I love winter and Christmas!

2. How many unpublishes / half-finished books do you have in progress?

a) I have an unfinished work in progress. A time travel/murder mystery Regency romance, if such a mash-up is possible! Finding the time to write is hard at the moment but the whole story is already written in my head.

3. What was the most surprising thing you learned when creating your book (in research or in yourself?)

a) Generally my Regency romances are true to the period, but my work in progress is something so different I needed to do extra research. I never considered the possibility of time travel but when doing research on this unfinished book, I was astonished to read about events that have been recorded of time travel. It is possible that in a slip of time, people have been transported back to another era for a while.

4.  Tell us about the greatest Christmas gift you ever received.

a) A round the world ticket from my parents to see all the places I had always dreamed of visiting. I love travel.

5. What did you edit out of your book? (Such as a cut scene or an idea that just wouldn't fit?)

a) I never have to edit anything out of my books. They just seem to be right from the start.

6. What inspired you to write this novel?

a) I wrote all my novels for my mother who was disabled. This was a Christmas one for her to enjoy.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Christmas Countdown Blitz Day 7

My name is Robyn Echols. Zina Abbott is the pen name I use for my American historical romance novels. I’m a member of Women Writing the West and Western Writers of America, and American Night Writers Association. I currently live with my husband in California’s central valley near the “Gateway to Yosemite.”
I love to read, quilt, work with digital images on my photo editing program, and work on my own family history.
I am a blogger. In addition to my own blog, I blog for several group blogs including the Sweet Americana Sweethearts blog, which I started and administer.

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The gift of peace of spirit that comes from restitution.

A year after Luke McDaniels broke away from the control of two eastern Sierra Nevada Mountain outlaws and freed Ling Loi from the Chinese brothel in Lundy, one aspect of their escape still plagues his conscience. Even though he made a point to take only what was owed him, and he left sufficient funds to cover the cost of anything he took from others without the owners’ knowledge or consent, there had been one exception. The second horse he planned to “buy” to assure a successful early winter journey was snatched away before his gaze. Another was left in its place. The ten gold half-eagles he allowed was less than the value of the one available to him. He hated short-changing the owner, but Loi, who took on the name of Joy when they married, had been his first priority.
Joy, grateful she has been restored to the way of decency, senses that Luke needs his own restoration. Can she convince him to do what he must to enjoy peace at Christmas? 


Author Interview:

1. What is your favorite Wintertime Activity?

 Sitting in front of a fire and reading a book. Oh, you said ACTIVITY. I like to drive in the mountains and take pictures of snowy scenes for my blogs, memes, and book cover backgrounds. (See my book cover, bottom photo taken in the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains.)


2. How many unpublished / half-finished books do you have in progress?

 I have several chapters I originally wrote for my first book I self-published under my real name (Robyn Echols). They go with my time-travel Aurora Rescue series. After I developed the scene and characters, I decided they better fit the modern character I planned for a later book, one which I have not yet written. Will I ever get the later book written and use those chapters? I hope so.


3. What was the most surprising thing you learned when creating your book (in research or in yourself?)

 This story has been rumbling around in my head for over a year. I knew just what I wanted to write. I intended it to be a short book—almost a post-epilogue. I thought I could sit down and get it written within a week or so. That did not happen.


4. Tell us about the greatest Christmas gift you ever received.

 My current husband and I were married six days before Christmas because I wanted him living in my home on Christmas that year. It’s been a great thirty-one years.


5. What did you edit out of your book? (Such as a cut scene or an idea that just wouldn't fit?)

 This book is a spin-off of one of my earlier books, Escape from Gold Mountain. It takes place about 11-12 months after the earlier book ends. I did not want the book to pick up where the other left off; I want it to focus on the incident involving the horse. However, it was a challenge to keep the back story to a minimum.


6. What inspired you to write this novel?

 In Escape from Gold Mountain, I tried to portray my hero as a basically decent person desperate for a paying job. He took a chance and accepted a job only find himself trapped by a pair of outlaws. As he extricated himself from the illegal acts he was forced to perform in order to prevent them from killing him, he tried to balance between not turning himself over to the mercy of the law (from whom he doubted he would receive mercy) and maintaining as much integrity as possible. He does pretty well except for one instance. He knew, in order to save the woman he loved, he cheated a man. This story is about him making things right.


Monday, December 14, 2020

Christmas Countdown Blitz Day 6

Sara Harris makes her home with her family of seven, which includes her romance novelesque husband and her five children. 

She holds her BA in history and is currently back in school seeking her BSN.  

An Amish settlement. An English stranger. The Blizzard of 1888. Who can Rebekah trust when the line between the Amish and the English becomes blurred?

A sweet and gentle love blossoms between Rebekah Stoll and her childhood friend Joseph Graber, despite attempts by her saucy nemesis, Katie Knepp, to sway the young man's affections her way. 

When Joseph hints at the promise of forever, Rebekah is positive she should say yes to his proposal - until a mysterious English stranger shows up at her homestead and sets everything she thought she knew about her world on end. 



Author Interview:

What is your favorite Wintertime Activity?

I love listening to Christmas music and buying presents for my loved ones! Especially my babies. All five of them. 

How many unpublished / half-finished books do you have in progress?

I have about thirty books sitting on my desktop either finished, roughly finished, or begging to be finished. They are in about thirty different genres, too! 

What was the most surprising thing you learned when creating your book (in research or in yourself?)

When I wrote Rebekah's Quilt, I actually learned that a branch of my family tree sprouted from Lancaster County, PA. In learning this, I completed my book, then learned the true origins of my family in Amish Country . . . 

Tell us about the greatest Christmas gift you ever received.

Each year being blessed to celebrate another Christmas is gift enough! Material things fade, lose their luster, etc. However being able to celebrate Jesus's birth each year with my loved ones . . . that is a gift to top all gifts. Last year, I was able to afford a Sonic ice maker for my husband -- that was my favorite gift to have ever given. He was so surprised! 

What did you edit out of your book? (Such as a cut scene or an idea that just wouldn't fit?)

I did not edit out any major scenes. 

What inspired you to write this novel?

This novel was inspired by my ancestry. I love digging around in!