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Monday, December 16, 2013


Mondays about Me!

I love to dance! I started dancing ballet when I was 8 years old and performed in a small ballet production of The Sorcerer's Apprentice. I danced on and off for years and year, and became dedicated again through high school and into college where I got into jazz and modern as well as Ballet (though I never could really figure out hip-hop).

However, when I reached my final year at school I had to make a decision to keep dancing, or finish my degree (in English - Creative Writing) that year. Rather than incur more debt and drag out school, I gave up dancing to finish my degree. I then started working and didn't go back to dancing, except to take a class here and there, and of course to dance around my kitchen :)

When I'm really happy I do spins and leaps around my house until I'm either dizzy or laughing so hard I can't continue. My secret desire would be to go back to school and get a second degree in Dance. It is my second dream - my first was to be an author, and here I am! So while I will not give up writing to dance, I would love to dance again, and relearn all that I have forgotten.

So here is one of my dance performances from about 4 1/2 years ago. I thought you might enjoy it. I was the second from the Left at the beginning. Enjoy it!


  1. Love this post! My main character in that YA contemporary of mine that I told you about is a dancer. SO fun! Hooray for dancing in the kitchen (me too! shh...).

  2. That's right, I think you may have mentioned that once! I'm so excited for your book by the way! (*and don't worry, your dancing secrets are safe with me*) ;)


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