This book is amazing! My review is below and I hope each of you love it as much as I did!
Go grab your copy today - it's absolutely worth it!

When the Nazis come to investigate the plane crash, Charlie and Sam must escape through enemy territory. Just steps from freedom, they are captured by Italian fascists. Survival takes on a new meaning for the airmen, and Charlie begins to questions everything, including his faith. Only the hope of seeing Marianne again keeps him going over the long months in prison. But if he survives, will she still care for him? And will Charlie learn to trust in the Lord’s promises?

Excerpt from the book:
An hour after nightfall, a scraping noise at the door brought Charlie’s head up. The narrow trapdoor at the bottom opened and a tray slid into the cell. Moments later, he heard a tray slide into Sam’s cell.
With a grunt Charlie got to his feet. He moved to his door and crouched down. in the dim light, he could see the contents of the tray—a thick slice of bread, a narrow hunk of cheese, and a cup of water.
He sat back, crossing his legs beneath him, and pulled the tray over. First, he brought the cup of water
to his parched lips and sipped, letting the moisture seep into the dried cracks of his mouth and throat.
“Grazie,” he whispered hoarsely, hoping whoever had shown them mercy was still there on the other
side of the door. “Sam, food and water.”
Sam groaned, then rolled off the bed and crawled to the tray at his door. He took a drink and sighed.
“Thank you, Lord.”
Charlie took a bite of the soft bread and let the subtle spices mixed with garlic roll across his tongue.
Even more delightful sensations filled his mouth when he tasted the sharp cheese. He ate slowly, making the food last as long as he could. When every last crumb had been picked off his plate, he slid
the tray back to the door. “Grazie, amico mio.” Thank you, my friend.
“Fratelli,” came the reply as the tray slid out the small opening.
I don't like war books - but I love Author Melanie Mason's writing so I took a chance ... and I loved it! I was completely captivated from the start and could not put it down. I may have even snapped at my husband once for interrupting the book - it was THAT GOOD (No worries, I apologized afterward.) The situation, the emotions, the lovely adventure through the difficulties and the small blessings was so beautifully written. I even got emotional several times and the characters went straight to my heart. I honestly enjoyed this book and by the end was completely invested in the final outcome. The writing flowed so well that by the end of the first page I was no longer reading words - I was seeing the book, the world the author built, and the tension of the situation the characters found themselves enduring. And the characters themselves were so endearing. I think Sam may have been one of my favorite, and of course Charlie! You can't not get attached to them. I would easily recommend this book to anyone, not just romance readers or history buffs, but everyone! It was incredible and I loved it & will read it again!

Melanie’s rst book, The Line That Divides (2014),
is a historical romance set against the stunning backdrop of World War II Austria. Her second book, The Ring of Remaliha (2015), is a romantic
suspense novel about an archaeologist who must solve the puzzle of an ancient egyptian ring.
For more information, please visit
the author’s website,
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