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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Servie's Song Blitz

Heidi Tucker won the 2017 Illumination Award for her first inspirational book Finding Hope in the Journey and her newest release is entitled Servie’s Song. Her passion for writing and speaking about light and hope has inspired thousands. Heidi is known as a great storyteller who motivates us to rise up and find new strength. She teaches how to recognize truth and make a difference.

When Heidi isn’t writing her next book, or speaking at a conference, you’ll find her spending time outdoors with her husband, four grown children and eight grandchildren. She loves sunflowers, hiking, and ice cream … not necessarily in that order.

Find out more about Heidi at

Connect with the Author here: 

The true story of one mother living in Zimbabwe, Africa who encounters a devastating loss leaving her unable to care for six children. In a heart-wrenching sacrifice she surrenders to a desperate plan to leave her children and find work in the United States. It is a door which feels impossible to walk through. But perhaps, the only door which holds any promise.

Servie's Song takes you on an emotional journey of tragedy and heartbreak to an inspiring path of hope. This touching story is complemented by gospel principles which will teach and motivate you to grab onto your faith and move forward trusting that you are never alone. God always hears your prayers.

~ Amazon ~ Amazon UK


“I can’t leave you here,” Servie cried. “It is not safe for you to be here in Harare by yourself. Promise me you won’t come back here.”
Servie was terrified. How would Angela survive Harare? A white woman alone in a very different culture and very dangerous city. 
Angela looked at her dear friend who had tears in her eyes. 
“I can’t promise that, Servie. I cannot make that promise. I told you I was coming here to bring this child home and I’m bringing her home,” Angela said. As soon as the words were out, Angela hoped that she could do just that. 
Angela had received an email from the embassy two days after the emailed conversation with the attorney in Indiana. The paperwork had been filed and they included a long list of needed items. Physicals, chest X-rays, vaccinations, background checks, passport photos. It was overwhelming, but moving in the right direction. Angela was determined to stay and see this through. 
“Please,” whispered Servie. It’s not safe.”
Servie’s visa had expired and she had to return or risk all kinds of trouble. She had never predicted that Kimberly wouldn’t be on that plane with her. The whole circus of events in the last 24 hours was unthinkable.
“Go,” Angela said. “I will be okay. You know I’m a big girl. I can handle this.” Angela had talked to her husband and told him what was going on. His advice to her was that she was absolutely right. His advice – stay and get it done. 
Angela took Servie into her arms then stepped back and grasped her hands in hers.
“I’m not leaving here without Kimberly,” she said. “Go. I’ll email you every day and let you know what’s happening.”

Once again Servie turned and willed her legs to carry her onto the airplane. So many times, she had cried and cried on trips home. This was different. She was terrified for her friend. But Angela had insisted. Servie’s heart was heavy. The fear was overtaking the faith. This would be a long, long trip home.

YouTube Trailer For Servie's Song:

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