There are so many possibilities that affect the course of history. One change, one small item overlooked, can make a world of difference, not only in a person's life, but in the history and well-being of an entire nation. And then there are those multiple scenarios of what if?
What if King James VI of Scotland didn't succeed in amalgamating Scotland with England? What if there had been another heir to the throne of Scotland? One who would secure its independence? Would Scotland have remained free and independent and a nation of its own well into the twenty-first century? And would Scotland, this independent version, make its own decision to join the European Union when its southern neighbor was choosing to pull away?
"Queen Mary's Daughter" presents another plausible timeline, one that incorporates both historical fact and fiction with the endless possibilities of time travel.
Author Interview:
1. What is your favorite book that is not yours?
a. Hard question. I have so many favorite books. So here's one of my many favorite books: Jude Morgan's "Symphony".
2. Do you write in multiple genres?
a. Yes. I write memoirs, creative nonfiction, historical fiction, fantasy, Middle Grade novels. Which genre is your favorite to write? Creative nonfiction.
3. How young were you when you started writing?
a. As soon as I could write my name, I was writing stories. Probably about 6.
4. If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and why?
a. Susan Vreeland - I love her passion for the visual arts and her ability to weave a painting and a painter's life into a story.
5. How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest book to write?
a. My first novel took ten years to write. A complete first draft usually takes about six months. That doesn't include all the months of editing, which is an endless task.
6. What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime?
a. Work in my garden and sit in my garden reading.
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