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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Review - King's Envoy

Cas lives in the lovely county of Hampshire, southern UK, where she was born. On leaving school she trained for two years before qualifying as horse-riding instructor. During this time she also learned to carriage-drive. She spent thirteen years in the British Civil Service before moving to Rome, Italy, where she and her husband, Dave, lived for three years. They enjoy returning whenever they can. Cas supports many animal charities and owns two rescue dogs. She has a large collection of cacti and loves gardening. She is also a folk singer/songwriter and is currently writing and recording nine folk-style songs to accompany each of her fantasy books. You can listen to and download all the songs from her website: 

See the video of her performing live at the King’s Envoy book launch here:

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About the Narrator

Born in the eighties, her formative years in the nineties, Rebecca's taste in music and fashion never really had a chance. Fortunately, you can't tell these things from her writing or voice over work. Her first novel, Trespasser, is as dark as her neon is bright, and you'd never guess from hearing her that she's narrating science fiction in nothing but unicorn pants.

Currently residing in London, Rebecca is passionate about travel, and has a good- albeit sometimes dubious- ear for accents. She graduated from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama with a degree in something or other, has a background in musical theatre, a past career in burlesque, and is a classically trained opera singer. Oh, and she likes greyhounds. And wine.

Connect with the Narrator here:
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Taran Elijah’s quest for knowledge uncovers a plot that threatens the world...

In Albia, the fourth realm, the precious Artesan gift is dying. Although born to the craft, Taran is struggling to achieve his potential. Against his friends' advice, he embarks on a foolhardy plan to acquire the teaching he craves. Alone, he crosses into Andaryon, the fifth realm, but instead of finding a mentor, he stumbles upon a treacherous plot. 

In the wake of Taran's actions, Albia suffers a series of vicious raids, and Major Sullyan of the High King's forces is sent to oppose them. But a dark and treacherous force is moving through the realms, and both Taran and Sullyan will feel its power. Their craft, the lives of their friends, the very existence of their realm are under threat unless they expose and oppose the evil.

"Cas Peace's Artesans of Albia trilogy immediately sweeps you away:  the drama starts with King's Envoy, continues unabated in King's Champion, and climaxes in King's Artesan, yet each volume is complete, satisfying.  The Artesan series  propels you into a world so deftly written that you see, feel, touch, and even smell each twist and turn. These nesting novels are evocative, hauntingly real. Smart. Powerful. Compelling. The trilogy teems with finely drawn characters, heroes and villains and societies worth knowing; with stories so organic and yet iconic you know you've found another home—in Albia. So start reading now. I, for one, can't wait to find out what will happen next.

Janet E Morris: Bestselling Author of The Sacred Band of Stepsons seriesthe Dream Dancer series; I, the Sun; Outpassage; The Silistra Quartet;and editor of the Bangsian In Hell seriesFamed contributor to the shared universe fantasy series, Thieves World.

I enjoy this story - I had read it once before a year or so ago, but I had forgotten so much of it. So it was fun to hear the story again - I really do love it and got drawn in again to the incredible story Cas has created. But what I loved most about the audio version was the narrator was incredible, doing voices and pauses and intensity at the right time to bring this book to life. It was amazing to listen to her read it. And the combination of an incredible story, by Author Cas Peace, and an amazing Narrator in Rebecca McKernan - it was incredible! I can't wait for the other books in this series. I recommend this to anyone and everyone who enjoys books, or anyone who is trying to get into reading again. Audio is a great way to get into books and this one is perfect! Highly recommend the book and also the audio book!

Narrator Interview

Narrator: Rebecca McKernan
Book: The Kings Envoy

1. What got you into narrating books?

I've always been a bit of a book obsessive- they're really the only thing I keep around the house. When a friend mentioned that she thought I had a nice voice, and had I considered narrating audio books, a simple Google was all it took to get me on this pathway. I've never looked back.

2. Do you write books yourself or just read other peoples' books?

I'm a writer as well as a narrator. I've just finished my first full length fictional novel- a dystopian piece of speculative literary fiction called 'Trespasser', which I'm currently looking for representation for. I'm a published travel writer, but this is my first foray into the world of traditional publishing.

3. Who was your favorite character to voice in this book?

I enjoyed voicing Sully- she took a few attempts to get right, as I needed the right balance of lilting gentleness, and incredible strength. I liked the challenge, and the satisfaction that came when I settled into her character. I also really loved Bull, but I think that may be because I love his character so much.

4. When you are not narrating books, what do you enjoy to do?

Travel is probably my number one passion. I've just moved to one of the most beautiful parts of the UK, so I'm currently loving exploring locally with my old dog. I also love to cook- and as my boyfriend is the most fantastic chef, I love to eat, too!

5. What suggestions/insight would you offer to others who might be looking into book narration?

As with any job in performance or acting, be prepared for rejection. But try to see it as a positive thing, see how you can learn from any constructive feedback you might get. And don't take it personally. Art is so subjective. Some people are going to love you, some won't. It doesn't mean you're not fabulous, and don't have the potential to be successful. Just keep at it, and always try to find ways you can tighten up your game, even a little.

6. Tell us a story about yourself, it can be fun, sad, eventful, scary, or whatever, just make it yours.

Oh gosh, that is so broad! I'm not sure I can think of a specific story, but some highlights of my glamorous performance career so far- which has involved stage, screen, musical theatre and performance art- are: getting drunk with Christian Slater on the Isle of Mann; standing holding a fibreglass wall for 10 hours in a row, 2 days straight, with only my lips poking through specially cut out gaps in the material as a piece of performance art (unsurprisingly, the director wasn't performing. It was one of the most painful things I've ever done); and having to slash my way out of a tent I was staying in in the south of France after being trapped by a massive spider who'd taken up residence on the door. I was pretty late for that gig.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for hosting, and for your amazing review, Rebecca! And for asking Rebecca McKernan just the right questions to obtain that fun and informative Narrator Interview!
    xx Cas


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