Deirdra has spent the last decade captivating audiences of all ages with her novels and fairy tales. Her specialty is paranormal theology that delves into documented historical phenomenon and natural disasters of biblical proportions.
Friday, November 27, 2020
Time Management for Creative People
Deirdra has spent the last decade captivating audiences of all ages with her novels and fairy tales. Her specialty is paranormal theology that delves into documented historical phenomenon and natural disasters of biblical proportions.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Second Survivor
Leah Moyes is from Arizona but experienced many parts of the world in thanks to a career in the airlines. Now most of her time, aside from writing, is spent with her family, reading Historical Fiction novels or studying ancient cultures as a student of Archaeology.
She always believed she was born in the wrong time period, but since she doesn’t have access to a time machine she must write and read intriguing stories of the past.

1. Married to one amazing man, who influences many through teaching and coaching
2. Mom of four, grandma to two, and Mama Moyes to many.
3. I am studying to be an archaeologist, currently working with the top Mesoamerican professors at Arizona State University
3. I Love to travel! This year I went to France, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Spain and Italy. Some for Archaeology and some for writing!
4. I have a bucket list with over three hundred items on it. Half were written by friends.
5. I Love the outdoors, especially the mountains and beach (none of which are really in Arizona) but we have lakes and hills that come close
6. I love popcorn!
7. I have driven a race car, bungee jumped, ziplined, cliff jumped and parasailed.
8. Coached the boys High School Varsity Soccer team for 5 years.
9. Will be climbing to Mt Everest Base Camp with my family next March!
10. When I touched the Berlin Wall I cried!
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Grace by Contract

Five rounds with my best fighter wore me out to the point where I could finally think straight again. With the dull exhaustion of limber muscles and expended exertion filling my senses, the memories of Ivy and her tragic demise lost some of their poignancy. I left my opponents to tend to their bruises and set about doing the same for mine.
When I emerged into the inner bailey, the bitter wind cut through my sweaty linen shirt and thin woolen tunic. I welcomed the chill, but my lack of full dress drew looks from the matron delivering the milk and butter from the village. I honored her with a bow before ducking through the door into the undercroft between the servants unloading her cart.
I circumvented the edges of the kitchen. By the scents I guessed chicken, stew, and honeyed yams were on the menu. My stomach growled.
“Not that way!” A great crashing of metal preceded sobs. “Don’t cry, child. Scrub. You will never finish at this rate.”
Bronwick emerged from her office, looking angrier than I had seen in ages.
“The new hires not working out?” I asked.
She snorted. “One is useless at least. It is going to take weeks to teach her to scrub pots at this rate. It takes so little intelligence for such a task that I dare not try her at another.”
“Now hold the brush like this,” the disembodied voice instructed. Another clatter marked the dropping of the brush. Both Bronwick and I flinched.
“Give them time,” I admonished. Only a few hours had passed since their hiring.
Bronwick snorted in a most dignified manner before stalking off to deal with the situation.
I took myself out of her range of emoting. As Rambler would say, “No good deed goes unpunished.” I took the stairs to the first floor. I would have to devise a way to gain my housekeeper’s good graces again, or the whole household would suffer.
At the top of the undercroft stair, I emerged into my great hall. The raftered ceiling extended two floors up, and the gleaming glazed windows above the dais were the envy of the seven duchies. Two great fireplaces, long as seven men and deep as two, spanned the west and east walls, heating the whole. I paused before the west fireplace, taking a moment to let my damp shirt dry a bit in the heat of the blaze before I retreated to my chambers to change.
Around me, the muted bustle and cheer of the pages and servants setting out the midday meal made me smile. I could not claim any credit for the glazed windows, high ceiling, or great fireplaces. They had all been contributions of my ancestors. However, I could claim a hand in keeping the place staffed, maintained, and reasonably peaceful. My father had accomplished none of those things.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Pieces to Mend

Saturday, November 14, 2020
The Funeral Murder

Ten random facts about me.
1. I started writing because I was bored.
2. I’m six feet tall.
3. I’ve hung out with Sir Patrick Stewart.
4. I was reading Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple secretly at my grandmother’s house well before I was a teenager.
5. I hated Nancy Drew books. I even took a swipe at her in “Backyard Bones,” one of the books from my first series, Regan McHenry Real Estate Mysteries.
6. Real estate stories I tell in my Regan McHenry Real estate mysteries are true and have either happened to me or to fellow realtors.
7. I regularly get very strange ads on Facebook after researching some of the ways I use to kill people for my books.
8. I used two long-dead pets to be Dot the Dalmatian and Lord Peter Wimsey, my protagonist’s cat.
9. I believe you should try something radically different every five years. It’s a philosophy taught to me by Audrey Stanley Professor Emeritus when I worked at Shakespeare/Santa Cruz.
10. Nancy Lynn Jarvis is a pseudonym. When I’m her, I love public speaking. When I use my real name public speaking terrifies me.