Ten random facts about me.
1. I started writing because I was bored.
2. I’m six feet tall.
3. I’ve hung out with Sir Patrick Stewart.
4. I was reading Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple secretly at my grandmother’s house well before I was a teenager.
5. I hated Nancy Drew books. I even took a swipe at her in “Backyard Bones,” one of the books from my first series, Regan McHenry Real Estate Mysteries.
6. Real estate stories I tell in my Regan McHenry Real estate mysteries are true and have either happened to me or to fellow realtors.
7. I regularly get very strange ads on Facebook after researching some of the ways I use to kill people for my books.
8. I used two long-dead pets to be Dot the Dalmatian and Lord Peter Wimsey, my protagonist’s cat.
9. I believe you should try something radically different every five years. It’s a philosophy taught to me by Audrey Stanley Professor Emeritus when I worked at Shakespeare/Santa Cruz.
10. Nancy Lynn Jarvis is a pseudonym. When I’m her, I love public speaking. When I use my real name public speaking terrifies me.
Thanks for having me on your blog.