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Friday, March 20, 2020

Tour: Heaven Heals

Heaven Heals (By Understanding Abraham’s Covenant) is the first book of the Heaven Heals series. 
It is the story of Sarah & Abraham, the covenant God made with them, and how their covenant benefits every one of us. It describes the promises He guaranteed them and guarantees everyone who commits to walk with him. It is valuable in introducing Christ's gospel of love for all, the reality of the everlasting family, and the hope and healing that comes from the knowledge gained in understanding Sarah & Abraham's covenant with God.  Also, the book explains the universality of all religions united in their goals to serve and love each of God’s children.  
The second book in the series is, Heaven Heals (Finding Hope in the Reunion with Your Lost Loved One.)  It is due to release in late 2020.

Kristy Landgren was born in Rockford, Illinois, where she began her piano education at age 4.  She won the” best poet” award in first grade and has “run with it” ever since.   She took part in school and garage bands, sang and provided accompaniments for A Capella choir, participated in musicals, community Corrales, and began playing the organ in church at age 16.  

Through music, performance and writing, she affirms the ideals of hope and optimism, faith and love, and incorporates her lessons learned among the wild rides of life.  Importantly, she is a dedicated student of the Bible and finds comfort and peace in the study of the scriptures.

Kristy graduated from Chicago’s Loyola University – School of Dentistry/Dental Hygiene Program and is licensed to practice Dental Hygiene in California, Illinois, and Arizona.  In 1995, she was appointed by then-Governor, Pete Wilson, to serve on the California State Dental Board’s Committee on Dental Auxiliaries.  She served the citizens of California for nine years, completing two terms of service and a grace year, in 2004.  She enjoys juggling the world of science, art and religion, practicing dental hygiene by day, moonlighting as musician by night, and attending study or worship sessions amidst the free time, in pursuit of the latest enlightenment that will inspire a blog, poem, lyric, song or book.

Top Ten List 
1) Walks with my puppy dog 
2) Family & friends
3) Shoulder massages (great stress release!)
4) I love to see the temple (sounds like a song)
5) Concerts
6) Christmas lights (I leave up inside lights until the days start getting longer )
7) Beach/Swimming pool 
8) Smoothies 
9) Watermelon!
10) Soft/furry collars, sweaters, keyrings, muffs, & mittens 


The Bible declares that all are saved, by the Grace of Jesus Christ. A lifetime of good works cannot get one into the kingdom of God; it is Christ’s Atonement, through His Grace, which allows a return to God. He is known as The God of Heaven and Earth, The Great Mediator, The Advocate with The Father, Our Access into Heaven. The Bible states all humanity is fallen and in need of God’s Grace to redeem them… (Galatians 3:22). The Apostle Paul spoke to the disciples who previously kept the Law of Moses before the coming of Christ: “But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed” (Galatians 3:23). 

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Tour: Roman and Jules

When Jules meets Roman Verona at an exclusive Vegas party, she doesn’t suspect the bad blood that runs so deep between Roman and her boyfriend, Ty, until the two men have it out in front of her. Even worse, Jules finds out that Ty has never loved her. She storms away, only to have her ex’s sworn enemy offer her a ride into town... as well as a shocking proposal.

A nice girl wouldn’t even consider making her ex jealous with a sham marriage, so why does she chance it with Roman?

Acting the role of devoted husband, Roman soon becomes fascinated with more than Jules’s sweet smile and poetic soul. As her band’s fame grows in Vegas so do his feelings for her and what started out as revenge against his miserable cousin turns into something deeper.

But bad boys don’t settle down. So why does Roman risk everything to win Jules’ heart?

All bets are off in this modern and sleek tale of star-crossed love!

Stephanie Fowers loves bringing stories to life, and depending on her latest madcap ideas will do it through written word, song, and/ or film.

She absolutely adores Bollywood and bonnet movies; i.e., Jane Austen. 

Presently, she lives in Salt Lake where she's living the life of the starving artist.

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Character Casting

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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Cover Reveal: Guinevere; The Legend

I’m a retired high school English teacher. A devourer of books growing up, my profession introduced me to writings and authors from times long past. Through my studies and teaching, I fell in love with the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Now, I hope to inspire young readers and those Young-at-Heart to read more through my Tales and Legends for Reluctant Readers set in these worlds—Ancient Egypt, Medieval Wales, and coming soon, a hair-raising adventure through ancient worlds in search of 5 rare Phoenix Feathers.

All of my books come with Free study guides and/or extensive Back-of-the-Book materials.

My husband and I love to travel. In 2008, we spent three weeks in Egypt traveling by local train from one end of the country to the other; in 2014, we spent three weeks in the UK driving over 1700 miles through England, Wales, and Scotland; and in 2016, we spent a week in Iceland. We’ve also traveled to Mexico, Jamaica, and Aruba. Our next big adventure will be to Greece and Italy.

When I’m not writing or traveling, our 4 grandkids keep us busy.

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Their friendship put him in harm's way. Will it be enough to save him?

Across the dark water to the land of ancient Gaul, renegades take Cedwyn and the littl'uns farther from home and rescue.

Led by her heart rather than her head and without any thought for her safety, fifteen-year-old Guinevere sets out alone to save Cedwyn. And if she fails…?

Eleven-year-old Cedwyn's trust in Guinevere is absolute. But will his sacrifice to save her and protect the littl'uns end with the loss of his own life?

And now for the Cover

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Check out the whole series on Amazon 
by clicking the covers below

Make sure you join the Tour and Party for this book using the Rafflecopter giveaway below!

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page