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Monday, April 1, 2013

A: Authors I admire

My admiration goes out to all of you today. To each and every one of you who have pushed through thick and thin to reach your goals.

The reason I am saluting you today is because of the inspiration you are to the rest of us, who have for years gone through the things that you have already done. Your books, and your joy at having your books, gives hope to the rest of us that one day our books will join yours on the bookshelves in stores and in the world of Kindle and Nook.

So here's to you and your books - to the endless time and effort of editing, critiquing,  rewriting, and sometimes killing off your babies. Here's to knowing when you have to cut out your favorite scene, and knowing how your characters will react in any situation. Here's to the many queries and the frustration of rejections, to slogging through writing a synopsis, and to the joy of seeing your book in print.

Thank you for showing us that our dreams can become realities, and for writing books that entertain us to no end!

Authors who Inspire me:
Julianne Donaldson
J.K. Rowling
Robin McKinley
Donna Hatch
Gail Carson Levine
Jane Austen
Chantele Sedgwick
Megan Whalen Turner
James Owen

And many, many others in my critique groups, Facebook groups, and blogging groups who I have watched achieve their dreams and cheered them on. Thanks for showing us it can be done!


  1. I like some of the authors on your list. I don't aspire to publication but I do like blogging and dabbling in fiction.
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

    1. That's great that you enjoy dabbling in fiction and blogging. Sometimes it's just a great outlet for creativity even if you don't plan to publish anything. Well ... you do post blogs so that counts :)

  2. Very good advice! Enjoyed your post, and my own list of authors is ever expanding as well. I can see you have enjoyed the Harry Potter author....isn't she wonderful! What a mind. Have you ever read any of Mitch Alboms books? I just completed reading the third one of his writings, I think he has written four books, I forget right is on my blog however. Thanks for an enjoyable post.

    1. I have not read any of Mitch Alboms books. But I will definitely have to go check them out now that you mentioned them. I'll check out your blog too and wee what else you recommend

  3. Excellent list. Hi, I am a new follower from the A to Z challenge. Awesome advice. I am in the same boat that you are in and the author and blogger friends that I have made have been a great source of comfort and inspiration to me on my journey toward publication.

    1. Yay for the A to Z challenge! It's bringing us all together! I liked reading your blog as well and I followed it too :)

  4. Great post! I look forward to reading more during the month!

    1. And to you as well. I love seeing what people have come up with!

  5. Thanks for the encouraging post! Jane Austen and J.K. Rowling are at my top of your list.

    1. You are most welcome. I just read your blog post and truly enjoyed those photos! What a great thing to have and I hope you one day find the missing 2 slides.

  6. I love Rowling and McKinley, too!

    Stopping by as an A to Z Challenge minion. Great subject to start the Challenge with. :)

    The Golden Eagle
    The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

  7. I'm a huge Jane Austen fan! Pride and Prejudice is my favorite :)

    Writing Through College


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