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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Charlock's Secret by Author Leah Moyes

Leah Moyes is from the sunny state of Arizona. She is a wife and a mother, a former teacher, and a coach with a background in Archaeology. She loves popcorn and seafood (though not together) and is slowly checking off her very long bucket list.  

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Desperate to hide, Kat flees. Now, trapped in time, her survival and return are threatened by her tortured heart.
Ensnared by hopelessness and grief, twenty-four-year-old Kat Shelton accepts a position as the curator of an old English estate with the sole purpose of running away from her memories and to bury life’s pain.

What she finds on her journey is much more than she bargained for—an arrogant employer, patronizing staff, and a chaotic system to name a few. Then to top it all off, an unforeseen tumble down the antiquated cellar steps brings her to a sudden halt.

Waking up in the year 1878, and mistaken for the children’s new governess, Kat scrambles to navigate nineteenth-century British lifestyle and culture. An impossible feat if it weren’t for the help of the Gilford girls and their charming and handsome brother, Merritt.

Will Kat find the strength, love and forgiveness she yearns for in the past? Or will her path bring her back to the reality she fears?

Universal Amazon Link ~ 


Character Casting:

Kat Shelton- (24-years-old)  is a stunning brunette with brown eyes. She grew up in NYC where she had to stand her ground so she's not girlish by any means. Someone like  Victoria Justice or Samantha Boscarino.

 Lizzy Gilford-  (16-years-old) Very sweet, very sixteen! Blonde and blue-eyed. Someone like Indiana Evans or Meaghan Martin.

Trenton Gilford- (30 years old)Proper English gentleman from the 21st century. Brown hair with green eyes. Someone like Jensen Ackles

Merritt Gilford- (23 years old) Proper English gentleman from the 19th century. Brown hair with blue eyes. Someone like Dean Geyer

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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Mentralysis by Author Ren Garcia

There is a treasure hunt with the prizes being a $100 and $25 giveaway!
The Treasure Hunt Questions will be based on the videos on the Author's YouTube Channel and you can answer the questions and find the YouTube links in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.

Ren Garcia is a Science Fiction/Fantasy author and Texas native who grew up in western Ohio. He has been writing since before he could write, often scribbling alien lingo on any available wall or floor with assorted crayons. He attended The Ohio State University and majored in English Literature. 

Ren has been an avid lover of anything surreal since childhood. He also has a passion for caving, urban archaeology, taking pictures of clouds, and architecture. He currently lives in Columbus, Ohio with his wife, and their four dogs.

~ Website ~ YouTube ~
~ Amazon ~ 

They thought the episode with their cousin to the east, Lady Bloodstein, was over. They thought it was something to laugh about at the grand table in fond nostalgia. But they were wrong. They were so wrong. And Castle Blanchefort has fallen!

Lord Kabyl has lost everything: his wife, his kin, his family fortune, and his home. Castle Blanchefort, once a safe haven, is overrun with enemies seeking his blood.

In what follows, he must join forces with ancient enemies and with people who do not exist. He must treat with sinister, possibly untrustworthy gods and barter away his soul for urgently needed arcane help or face certain death at the hands of forgotten tyrants and their machinations from a bygone age.

And, how can a strange science known as Mentralysis, practiced in secret in the hidden places of the League, hold the key to ultimate victory?

What should have been obvious to Lord Kabyl from the start, at last, becomes crystal clear: Foolish is he who dares possess the Ultimate Object, for misery shall be his only reward.

Top Ten List:

10 Fun facts about the Author:

--I was once engaged to a woman 20 years my senior.
--I once looked down the barrel of an FBI Agent’s drawn pistol.
--I once took a home IQ test from a book and scored a 58.
--Similar to the Bird Box challenge that’s all the craze these days, I once nearly plunged to my death by walking into the deep end of a drained swimming pool in a pitch black abandoned YMCA.
--I was once royally chewed out by Maria Shriver.
--A childhood rite of passage, my bout with the Chicken Pox nearly killed me as a boy.
--My entire family has brown eyes, yet I have blue eyes. After 3rd grade biology class, I announced to my mother that I couldn’t possibly be her son.
--I once received a check for $150 dollars after a treasure chest full of stolen Mexican booty was discovered on a relative’s property. The $150 was my share of the divided spoils.
--For a 2nd grade essay in 1975 that was to be placed in a Time Capsule under the school, I predicted the coming of GPS.
--As the infamous White Hurricane of 1978 dumped 10 feet of snow on the ground and gave us -61 wind chills, I STILL had to go to school in a treaded armored personnel carrier donated by the National Guard.

Treasure Hunt Questions Chapter 7-8: 
(put your answers in the rafflecopter below)
( The $100 and $25 Rafflecopter Prizes are specifically for the Treasure Hunt Winner )

Chapter 7:--Sleep?  -
1: What type of vessel are Kay and Laika flying to Kana in?
A)—A Goshawk
B)—A Straylight Fleet craft
C)—A Ghome 52 Battleship
D)—A V4 Venera ship

2: As they settle in for some rest, what happens?
A)—Laika tries to seduce Kay
B)—They get lost in space
C)—They have an argument
D)—Their ship breaks down

Chapter 8: The Ultra -
1: Who designed Sarah’s holographic image?
A)—The Hospitalers
B)—The Sisters
C)—She programmed it herself
D)—The Fleet

2: Who attacked Castle Blanchefort?
A)—The Xaphan Armada
B)—The Jones
C)—The Boblytes
D)—The Spacing Guild

See our Official Event Page for links to where you can find the rest of the Treasure Hunt Questions.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page