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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Book Tour: High Sierra

When Jasmine Fuentes finds herself thousands of miles from home, forced to hike around in the wilderness of California with a bunch of juvenile delinquents, she’s convinced she doesn’t belong. 

Forage for food, build shelter, make fire—Jasmine sets out to learn what she needs to do to ace the program so she can go home and salvage her summer vacation. But the more she tries to prove she doesn’t need wilderness therapy, the more desperate her situation becomes. Confronted with life and death, she comes face to face with her past and her imperfections. Will Jasmine ask for help before it’s too late? 

Adrienne Quintana is the author of Eruption as well as several children's books. When she isn't writing, Adrienne enjoys running, hiking, and matchmaking (Are you single? She probably knows someone perfect for you.) 

She lives in Arizona with her husband and four children, who give her love, support, and plenty of good material for Instagram.   

Character Casting

Jasmine Fuentes

Bryce Talmage (Abercrombie)

Stormi Summers (Emphysema)

Monica Clark (Backwoods Barbie)

Dave (Good Soaring Raven)

Top Ten List
10.  I’m the 2nd of 9 kids.
9. I served as missionary for my church in Montreal.
8. I can whistle underwater.
7. My big toes are HUGE. Like, ridiculously big. At least two shoe sizes larger than the others.
6. Doris Day is my homegirl.
5. As a teenager couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded, but I’ve completed two marathons as an adult.
4. Doritos are my kryptonite (nacho cheese flavor).
3. I know how to say “I’m going to bloody your nose” in Samoan.
2. I believe that drinking water can cure any ailment, including broken limbs.
1. I fall asleep in the movie theatre unless I’m eating popcorn.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

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