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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Waiting Fate

Today I am featuring author W.B. Kinnette, author of "Waiting Fate."

Having read some of her previous work, and being impressed by her work, I was really excited when this book was published.

To get to know a bit more about this author, I sent her a few questions. Here are her fun answers:

What inspired your book?
Waiting Fate is based on the true story of how my adorable husband and I met!
How do you spend your free time?
Free time? What is this free time you speak of? Actually, if I do have free time, I love to read. We go camping as a family, and I love watching my kids play sports.
What literary character do you most relate to?
I really like Tris in the Divergent series. She’s small, quiet, shy, but when she needs to, she can do anything. I really love that about her.
What is the thing you struggle with the most while writing? And how do you defeat it?
Finding time. I have three kids and I can’t write if I’m going to be interrupted. My poor little brain just doesn’t work that way. So I write at night after they’re in bed, but I’m not a night owl. So you can see why time is a problem.
If you could spend a day inside a book, which book would it be and why?
Harry Potter! Oh my goodness that world is so amazing. I would give anything to spend a day in those books! They are my all-time favorite books.
When did you first realize you were an author?
I now have two books released and another scheduled for August, and I still feel like I’m a little kid playing pretend. I’m not sure if I’ll ever feel like a real author.
If your book was made into a movie, who would play the main character roles?
Alyssa Milano would play Ivy. Archer would be Hugh Jackman (pretend they’re the same age).
What kind of music do you listen to while you write?
I don’t. I need quiet. If there’s music, TV, children, dogs barking…I pretty much go nuts and my brain explodes.
What is your favorite part of writing?
Seeing the daydreams and memories in my head come to life for other people. Sharing these stories that rattle around in my brain is the best thing ever.
What is your writing snack of choice?
Pepsi and gold fish. I can live without the gold fish, but the Pepsi is mandatory.
If you could go out to lunch with any literary character, who would it be?
Hmm. I had to give this one a lot of thought! I think there are two, because they’re inseparable. Nev and Livi from Feudlings, because they are so much fun and have so much energy.
Which of your personality traits did you write into your characters? (Deliberately or accidentally)
Ivy is very self-conscious, as I am. She’s not sure of herself, she’s trying to find her way, she feels like all her mistakes are written on the outside for everyone to see.
W.B. Kinnette was born and raised in Utah, the baby of the family and spoiled rotten. She lived briefly in Texas and Alaska before coming back to raise her family only a few miles from her childhood home. She’s loved writing since she was small, because daydreams demand to be written down. She believes that dreams must be chased, if only so she can tell her children honestly that dreams do come true if you work hard enough – and never give up!

Thanks, W.B. Kinnette for letting me do this interview! Go check out her new book and enjoy a great story! Buy it at Amazon HERE
Sometimes Fate hides in plain sight while you stumble through darkness.

Ivy escapes from an abusive husband, finding peace with her daughter in her childhood home. She’s determined to keep her past a secret to protect those she loves.

Archer has been in love with the same girl since seventh grade. When Ivy comes back into his life—bruised, broken, and haunted by secrets—he knows he can’t lose her again.

But Ivy made a promise to her daughter. No one would hurt them again. She’s afraid to trust, afraid to be wrong again, and afraid that the one man she’s loved forever will break her heart.

Fate might take its time, but it won’t wait forever.

As he walked her to her door, she slid her small fingers into his, and he ran his thumb across the back of her hand. The night was cool. At the door she turned, smiling up at him. “Thank you Archer. It was… fun.”
He couldn’t see clearly, but he could swear she was smirking. Yeah, you blew your chance. Way to go. So he hugged her, wrapping his arms around her waist, like he’d done a hundred other times before. They were a huggy group.
He was surprised when she rose on her toes and slid her arms around his neck, holding tight like he was a lifeline. He pulled back, just a bit, hoping but afraid to hope as he searched her eyes. They sparkled, just a bit, and then she leaned forward, closing the gap between them and brushing her lips against his.
Time stopped. The world stopped and he froze in shock. It took him several seconds to realize what was happening, and then he kissed her back, holding her tight against him. He could feel her heart racing, matching his. When she relinquished his lips, he sucked in a breath, struggling to breathe. “I’ve wanted to do that since high school,” he muttered, almost without realizing it.  

Get to know more about this wonderful Author at any of the links below:

Twitter: @wbkinnette

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new release! And I hope you feel like an author really soon, because you really are one!


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